Augite's Leaders

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                                   -The white demon swiftly and  travels southwest of Neptune...-

A hour later, he quickly reaches a Canyon pass. The White Demon easily speeds by the many monsters and animals living there, mountain goats, raptors, jackals and oxen all stray away from the quick supernatural being, as he crawls across the swaying, rickety bridges going going to the next kingdom.. "It's time to check out the most magical place on earth: Augite." he sarcastically laughed "Heheheh, It's not like that retarded amusement park, but it should still be alot of fun!". He crosses until he reaches the makeshift gate, it's more of a mountain, with a natural arch way formed from rock.... "Looks boring as hell, like usual..." the demon sighed... He crawls atop the mountainous regions surrounding the desert town... A few people can be seen working around the area along with it's small airport, similar to Castiel's... Another area can be seen that looks somewhat like a dump: it's full of bloodied armor parts, the White demon chuckled slightly at seeing the pile... "Wait, I forgot heroes come here to kill the Sultan, I guess they're still lining up to be destroyed into pieces!". He quickly and deftly crawls through into the castle town...

In town, many people can be seen moving towards their homes and/or working. This place also has no need of cars, and is filled seemingly with casinos and night clubs: the city resembles Los-Angelos' and San Francisco's red-light districts, with even fewer buildings being actual places for grocery shopping, clothes and other utilities... "This place is exactly as I thought, they really do whatever they want, here: I'm surprised it's still standing..." the demon laughs, he quickly crawls along the walls, periodically looking at the bar and clubs' neon signs, then he reaches the inner area surrounding the Sultan's tower... A mall can be seen immediately in front, and a single home to the left ad a famous kitchen-restaurant to the right. The demon snickers as he climbs over the mall and towards the castle gates "This place's a little more quiet, but the magical schools' still lively... Hm. Ah well, the foolish man build his house upon the sand..." he thought. He then sneaks past the knights standing at the castle gates, they are completely clad in ebony armor, unlike the paladins, and carry spears. They nevertheless cannot sense the demon passing them, despite their magical-abilities. The White demon then deftly crawls under he long bridge, leading to the Sultan's tower, upon reaching the onyx-black building, he quickly climbs up the wall, sounds of torture and people making love can be heard from inside... "All kinds of shit's happenin', this place's always fun to watch!!" the demon laughs...

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