The Copper Peak

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                -Wit limps to a snow dune, then suddenly notices Lora watching him...-

She watches him with a fearful, upset look on her face... "W, wot happened!? Who wos that?" she asks. The white demon replies "My spawn...", the princess tilted her head "Your child tried to kill you?!". Wit explains as he crawls away from the dune... "No, that was one of my brethren.", she stares in surprised confusion and replied... "Really?! Um...". The princess looks at the quickly disintegrating carcass: it turn into black mist, and eventually into nothing... "D, did I summon it?" the princess asks in a guilty tone... Wit replies "No, you weren't using the right shit... plus, I stopped you before you could use your blood...". Lora looks up at him, a similar smoke rises from Wit's wounds... She nearly asks about this, when the white demon suddenly asked "Why are you here? I thought you wanted to save the dragon?", the princess explains as she notices his bruised covered skin didn't blend in with the snow now... "Father noticed Campe wos trying to tell us something. So Herbert used a Dragon-Language-transfer spell instead, with the help of his paladins. ...And they found out there wos something happening in her nest...". Wit almost replies, when a paladin returns to the path the two were on "Princess!" he yells. The white demon quickly side-jumped off the mountain path, which was a very funny/tension breaking sight. Lora almost laughs on reflex; as the strange and sudden jump from a crawling stance, took her by surprise... But straightened her face upon the paladin getting nearer.. "Princess, are you okay?" he asks. She then explains "Yes, I wos just unable to bear if anyone on either side got hurt..."  ...this was true, but not the reason she left, though. Unknowingly, the paladin replies "We thought so, your father sent me to look for you after we calmed Campe. He told me to tell you to not leave Copper mountain top, but to wait inside the cabin until we return from Campe's nest.", Lora smiles warmly "Thank you for the message, I will do that..." she says. He leaves, somewhat quickly traversing the now familiar mountain summit...

Lora sighs as she looks at the very peak of the mountain... until Wit crawls up behind her "We're going to see, right?" he asks. The princess sighs "N, no... I shouldn't..." her tone and face shows clearly that she wants to.. until she says  "I'll just see if I can find Campe..". The princess now easily follows the fresh foot prints and the few carcasses of snow leopards and small pterosaurs... until she reaches the huge volcano like rising nearing the very peak... Lora looks up at the top in curiosity, until the white demon crawls around to the front of her. The princess jumps back at the sound of his calm, but not now mischievous voice "So we're going, right? Its strange that Campe isn't here, and we can't here her at all...". Lora replied in a slightly joking tone "I see, my own conscious is telling me to trust everyone, but you're my bad conscious now?", Wit smirks "Yeah, that's what we do! C'mon, I'm curious anyway! I can get you up there, and back without any of 'em knowin'!"  he laughs. She sighs as she stepped closer to the slippery, iced wall... "Let me guess: the only way we can go up is on your back?" she asks.. Wit laughs as he crawled towards the wall "Hell yeah, it'll be faster! You'll take to long to see anything! If we go now, you can catch them in whatever the hell they're doing now!" he stands up... Lora sighs and wrap her arms around Wit's neck again, he starts to scale up the mountain quickly. The princess shudders as she promised herself before she wouldn't do this again, but now is currently going up the side of another wall at a unearthly speed! She peeks down at the reindeer and owls who returned, after the last signs of human and demon life left their homes... "I don't know why I agreed to do this again! This is so dangerous!" Lora complained, Wit replies with a sneer "You're perfectly safe! Unless the ice broke!". The princess held tighter as she yells "D, don't make those kind of jokes! Or, I, I'll bop you!", the white demon laughs "That could make me fall, too! C'mon, we're almost at the top!" he somewhat jokes, then leaps over the edge. This time, the jump was light, he lands safely and  carefully lifted the girl off his back and back down on her feet.. Lora was surprised as last time he simply dropped them both into the snow.. ..."I guess his fighting his sibling must've been hard for him? His injuries must hurt, too..." she thought, figuring his sudden mischievous attitude was him trying to forget the life-or-death fight that happened only a few minutes ago...

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