New home..

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-That night: the white demon returns to Castiel...-

He climbs atop the walls surrounding the kingdom... and looks into the still bustling streets, and watches the poeple happily working or returning home... A soft glow from the street lights emits slightly up the walls, but not enough to show the supernatural creature watching the unsuspecting humans... "Castiel's the only place I can stay: Neptune's too noisy and Augite's too trashy.. There'll be too much going on in either place, but... even with them getting ready to take samples from the dumbassed creatures here, this place'll be the most quiet. Hell, it has more food and shit to enjoy, too! The place is perfect!". He leaps off the wall and deftly sneaks towards the North-west part of the kingdom, where a small airport's stationed. The White demon crawls up a small mountain nearby the area and wrapped his tail around himself "This place is perfect... It's loud fighting... no plotting... no shit... no revenge... nobody'll notice me...", he gets into the fetal position and drifts to sleep... "I'll be safe..." the demon thought out loud before he closes his eyes.

The next day, in Castiel castle: Herbert approaches the king again... Earnest then informs him "I have made mine decision: Do your experiment, our survival is of far more importance than our rivalries.". the scientist gives a crooked smile "Yes, your majesty. But I will need a sample of a beast's magic: It's a manifestation of their thought process, similarly to one having to have a clear mind before casting a spell, the mana will show if the creatures have ill-will towards us.". Olivera curiously asks "Herbert, what monster did you have in mind? You talk as if this will be a difficult task.", he replies as he looks at a stained-glass window "The creature I'll need, is one with enough conscious to know what's happening and a will to kill us, someone holding a grudge, but not acting on it. The only creature around here who is able to give off a big enough thought-process is: Campe.". Earnest frowns as he heard the name... "Campe, the dragon of war?", Herbert turns back towards the rulers and explains "Yes, it's fully able to understand what we're saying and has been around for a millennia. Despite what it's done for our ancestors, it's but a beast to us now. It never helped during a crisis in our lifetimes and is as useless as a common bovine or rabbit.. Though...". He looks away "I'll only need a sample of it's mana: the crystal it'll produce will show us if we have anything to fear. If it's clear, we're safe from the... natural-karma. But if it's any color, especially black: then we must contact the other kingdoms immediately.", Herbert faces the king as he then asks "Your Majesty, I'll of course need soldiers to complete this task, may I use a few of the royal army to accomplish this?". Earnest frowns "Yes, use what you need to see what the future may have in store. Be careful...", Herbert bows "Thank you, your majesty. I will very careful with my and your soldiers lives." he says and leaves... Earnest then spoke to a Paladin "Fetch Lora.", the man bows "Yes, your majesty..." he replies and quickly leaves the throne room. Olivera wonders at her husband, but before she could ask about his decision, the princess entered the throne room..

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