Alters: 4

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            -Noella glared at the girl who  arrives as a hologram in the midst of the alter...-

"What the hell are you doing here??" the dark-goddess asks, the blonde replies "!! That's no way to greet your sister!". Lora awes "Y, you're from before??!", the girl looks at her "Yes... I remember you.. you're one of the few people I saw yesterday!". She bows slightly and introduces herself: "I'm Yahwen, nice to meet you both.", Noella gagged "Cool, we know eachother let's get to the point!" she angrily interrupts! Yahwen replies "Stop being so nasty, you had a chance to meet them, let me speak to the people!", her sister retorts "We're not here to become friends with you, we're here to save some LIVES!!! What're you doing here, anyway!!?". The light-goddess sighs sharply and explains "I finished what I was doing and returned home. Did you need something?" she finishes her explanation in a question, and has calmed down, too Until Noella shouted "Great!! Just what we need, a knucklehead on the throne!", Yahwen retorted "Stop it, if you truly needed help, shouldn't you be...", the dark-goddess repeats what she says in a agitating-tone "STop It, If yOu TruLy NeEd HeLp, ShouLDN't yUO be..". The blonde makes a fist "Stop being so jerky! If something's the matter, then why are you acting that way?", Noella replies "Because you're a holy-joke! Where's Dad!?". Yahwen huffs angrily, but says "He's not here... I haven't seen him yet, either...", the dark-goddess looked away... then turns back towards the blonde "Fine, we'll need to wait!". The light-goddess replies "Why don't you tell me what's wrong? If they need something, maybe I could help? At least until Father's back?", Noella shouted "We don't need your help!". Yahwen retorts "These mortals need some help, or you wouldn't of brought them all the way here!", the dark-goddess screamed "I didn't think YOU'D be here!!". The light-goddess yells "Why must be this way??!".

Lora butts in before Noella could shout again "Excuse me, but I'll explain: Hyperborea's going to be destroyed by the Magical-Conscience, we... we tried to reset it again, but... the ceremony  only showed us you...".. Yahwen stares in surprise... then explains "So that's why I saw you: I wasn't able to see everyone right away, but... your prayer and mana reached me.. I was able to see the castle, like Father would've.. but could barely see glimpses of you and the others. That's also why I didn't speak to you then..".  Noella smugly answers "If I was there, I woulda did something! You really just watched them!!!?", the blonde replies "I said I couldn't see them completely! Father's suppose to take those types of prayers!". The princess interrupts again, before they argue... "Wait... the prayers reached heaven then? But God isn't there?"... Yahwen replies "He's there... He's everywhere: He's omni; present and existent... it's just..." she looks away as she sadly explains "He doesn't hear you..", Wit arches his eyebrow "What the hell??! He ain't deaf and shit, right??". 

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