The emerald Demon

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-Wit and Noella fought the many oni, until something rises up... something vile and nasty..-

They kill until they hear bubbling, they peek over the ark and see something: It's stanking, lukewarm and slimy all about, then suddenly something pops out! Wit shudders at seeing the mark of the beast "It's goddamned Cthlhu!!" he warns as he steps to the east.. Noella cheered "You can do it, man! Now kill that octopus with your barehand!" she grimaced upon hearing what she said, then wishes the one who's causing this to be dead... Wit looked at his new opponent, he's too big, to just jump it..

"The emerald demon is 666meters tall, he has a anthropoid shape, and that's not all! He has a octopus shaped head and a scaly, rubbery-looking bod, with claws on all his feet, awww! This guy also has narrow-wings behind, and has a octopus-dragon look with a human body, looking at his eyes you'll find, your head will turn all crazy and soddy... Last but least, is his rarely heard voice: it's infinitely deep, gravely and extrememly hoarse, his tone sound very pissed... it's also haughty and void of excitement and bliss..."

Cthulu suddenly fires a beam at the ark, depite having auto-reapairing: this almost tears it apart!! Wit quickly runs on it's side, as it shakes violently, and scaring Lora inside! She can only watch through the screen as she thought aloud "If we're flooded, what happend to Castiel, Neptune... the rest of the crowd??!!". While she worries for the others, Wit glared at the demonic-brother... then coughed up his blade and aims at the monster, saying "Yo' mother so fat, she's made of blubber!". The insult was stupid but nevertheless: Cthulu angrily fires, so guess.. Who still dies in the fight, even if Cthulu randomly fires, he wins right?? But Wit reversed his center-of-gravity, and the energy left in his blade, you see.. then caught the beam as it came at the arc, he slung the now holy-energy back down and breaks Cthulu apart!!! Many Cloven-sunfish spew from the opened demon, they quickly reform making Cthulu's wound lose meaning...

Meanwhile, in Castiel... The area was strangely only flooded to the kingdom's wall.. Many were lifted up onto the rooftops via paladins' efforts, but... many still died. And only paladin was capable of fighting the demon causing this flood: Corsican! A mile away, Jade and the other captains were racing to Castiel on a motor-boat: they were just healed and are tired from attempting to save people in Neptune.. Still, they're coming to Castiel, just in time to see Corsican facing a yellow-gold demon! The captain glares at the demon as it uttered "!!!?Hastur, dog-nomed taerg eht elttab uoy erad woH"...

"The gold-yellow demon's similar to his half-brother: Cthulu, except he's more yellowish, and has more of a octopoid-body than him... His voice's also deep and gravely, but with more of a arrogant tone than Cthulu's slightly prideful roaring.."

Corsican aims his blade skyward... the light crawls down his blade, and into his armor... Jade notices the creeping-glint even from afar.. and screams "Can this thing speed-up!!? We hafta hurry!", Gawain stares at the motor "It's going as fast as it can!" he yells, Lancelot agrees "Yeah, it's not like we got a fancy thang...". She turns around desperatley as Corsican still holds his sword high in the air.. "For the King: .." he starts... His second in command freaked out "Come thing, hurry up!!!", Percival sighs "We want to help, too... but yelling won't make it go any...". She cuts him off "No, it's the capatin! He's gonna die!". She then turns back towards Castiel... "Stop!!!" she screams, the other captains start to get scared as they watch a move that's unknown to most other paladins... Corsican, meanwhile... has finished his prayer "...the power and glory, forever!!!!" he swings his blade, for every word... the beams that fly from this, easily burns chunks of Hastur off, until one burns his heart, finally killing the beast... Jade droops.. "No!!" she yells, as the others look "What happened??" Gawain asks.. Lancelot replies"Maybe that spell's forebidden?".. as soon as he gets his question out, Corsican drops dead and falls into the water... the flood drains away, revealing wreckage from Hastur's attack.. Though, it's strangely still drowning the forest, at least what's not under the barrier...

Back in Caillte, the emerald demon quickly reforms as Wit wondered what should he do? What's going on? Until Noella suddenly yells "Kill the sunfish, dumbell! Listen for the one with his heart!", Wit jumps into the water: which smells like fart! The white demon swims around, listening closely for the sound... Of a heartbeat's that bigger than normal, before Cthulu reforms and causes trouble...... Until he hear's a heartbeat louder than others, he quickly shoots a beam into it, it burns and smothers! The particular fish had Cthulu's heart, it burned up and the emerald demon fell apart! Wit quickly leaped on a branch, shook the water off his wings, than launched himself to the ark... The water quickly drains, and even the drowing oni are as happy as larks! Still they try to break into the sphere, so Wit and Noella continue to fight for themselves and Lora-dear...

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