Demon Contract

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       -Lora's too happy that her summoning worked without having too bleed...-

She replies "But, I meant to call them... at least, I wos hoping to see you again.". The white demon looks surprised, then quickly turns away to hide his expression "What!!? Why did you wanna summon me!?". The princess then pleaded, taking a step closer to Wit... "Herbert and his team are going to kill the family guradian: Campe! I need your help!". The white demon turns back towards her as she explains "I, I read you can strike deals with demons,... I'll do anything!", Wit looks away from her pleading expression "Um... I... Forget the deal... I shouldn't be seen anyway...". Lora tilts her head "I've been meaning to ask: why can't you be seen? There's nothing in the books about it..", the white demon explains "Because we'll suffer divine-punishment if we are: We're only suppose to tempt humans not exist with them, idiot! Why do you think a ritual has to be performed?". She widens her eyes after she hears this... then repeats her plea "Does that mean you can't help me?", Wit looks down at the pavement... "Alright... I'll help you there: but only because I wanna see the fight myself. But..." his tone changes to a slightly strict feeling... "You have to meet me outside the kingdom: we can't travel together like we're both fucking buddies, alright?!". Lora replies "A'wight... I'll try..", Wit crawls atop the wall... "Then hurry the shit up, I'll be waiting outside...". The white demon swiftly leaves the courtyard, Lora then hurries to her room...

Inside her bedroom, she changes out her clothes "I can't go outside normally, like Wit..." she thought "I hope this doesn't look recognizable to father and other...". Lora dresses in a red shirt, bluejeans and a huge-blue-cap to hide her long, pink locks. Then sneaks out of the castle again... She easily blended in with the civilians in Castiel's city streets, and luckily reached a castle gate before too long... Outside, she looked down the path humans had carved through the fields, to indicate how to get to the other kingdoms: Some of the lamp-posts were torn and the dirt path was smeared and bloodied in some areas, paw and claw prints can easily be seen in the path, too.. "It's deteriorated greatly from the last time I've been out..." Lora thought "No wonder they have to do this, but... I have to stop them!". She then looks around "There's no way I could contact Wit outside of summoning him, I wonder how he'll..." her thoughts are stopped by a ominous feeling suddenly slipping down her spine! She quickly turns to see Wit climbing up the mountain path toward her!

"You made it!" the white demon smirks, Lora steps back as he crawled closer, she just realized how disturbing he is: he was always on the ground like a predator... "Um... how did you recognize me?" she asks. Wit explains "I can smell you!", she gasps in  embarrassment and surprise until he adds "Yeah, your perfume's giving you away! It's fucking suffocating..". She sighs in relief "Ah... um, more importantly..." Lora starts... "We need to hurry! Copper Mountain's a hour away and climbing it could take a day, our only hope's in catching up is: that they're still planning on wot they should do, or that something stopped them.", the white demon crawled forward a little... "Don't worry, we'll catch up to them. Meet at the foot of the mountain: I can't do 'IT' now, with guards along the path...".

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