To Augite

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           -Lora dresses for her trip, and meets the group outside the castle...-

She meets her bodyguards while in  a Wisteria colored t-shirt and a long saffire-colored skirt: she again wears a over-sized blue hat, to cover her circlet in case her legibilaty was questioned like before. Her change of clothes caught Lancelot's attention "Princess, ya ready to go?" he asked with a smirk. She replied "Yes..." she notices the other paladins and a strange object in one's hands "Um... wot is that?" she asks. Lancelot replies "Somethin' for gettin' across th' desert, hell, we can use it now if ya want!", Lora sheepishly replies "I rather walk, until it's not possible. It'll feel horrific if I'm not even walking and you guys do all the work...". Lancelot laughs heartily "Hahaha! Good answer! I like a tough princess!", he turns toward the others "Well, let's ship off men! And lady!", Beltane cheered "To Augite!". 50 minutes later: the group reaches the area north of Castiel.

This time, Lora notices that the path's even more worn... Animals have randomly went anywehere they please, and the carcasses of prey were half-eaten and left out in the open in some areas. The group's destination went west of here: pass Neptune, and towards a natural-bridge that breaks off from the fjord that makes up that area. On the other side of this rising bridge, is a canyon pass that's hugged between two mountains, on the other side: the path leads to the actual canyon. The bottom's many miles deep, and slight-fog barely obscures the fact that there's a river rushing below... Ahead of the group is a broken plateau, the small islands are connected only by creaky bridges, Lancelot steps out ahead and signals for the paladins to come close "C'mon men, there's jackals and raptors around here: don't dare let 'em lay a hand on th' princess!". Lora then asks in curiosity "Um... I've been meaning to ask, Lancelot: You, nor your men are dressed for this? Are you really okay?", Lancelot smugly smirks "Yeah! I know ya wanna seem friendly to the natives, but I'll proudly wear my armor everywhere! I earned this position! Plus, we just askin' fer help: surely those idiots ain't stupid enough to attack us because of my armor!". Beltane walks beside him, her robe's sleeves are rolled up already and she places her hat back on her head: as she was fanning off with it, before... "I agree, Lance! Let's kick some butt!" she exclaims. He laughs at the witch and replied "No, you an' yer brother step back: You're still kids, even though you're workin' as royal guards. Only fight when ya have no choice.", Beltane steps back in curiosity: they were sent on this mission despite their age, but Lancelot seemed as if he really didn't want anyone to actually fight or place themselves in danger... The group's easily able to cross the canyon without a problem..  the creatures stay away from them, and only watch... Mountain goats can also be seen as they espied the humans cross their territory, but made no moves to protect it. Most of the group assumed it was because of the amount of people that were traveling across the canyon, but unbeknownst to them: the white demon watching kept every creature from getting any closer to the them...

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