Hyperborean problem

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-The white demon listens in on the conversation...-

Earnest then ordered "Corsican, Herbert, what is this about? You saith this is a national emergency.", the captain bows again and explains "Your majesty: as you are aware, animals and monsters usually stay away from the manmade paths that we and the other kingdoms have set up. But, as of late, they have been trampling upon them and destroying public property."... The king frowns as Corsican finishes "This has gotten worse quickly, with reports of monsters coming with our kingdom's borders, something that has not happened in centuries!", Earnest replies in a curious yet serious voice "What is the cause of this? Even without guards at the outer-gates, monster dared not even step where we have.".

Herbert then spoke up "Your majesty, once Corsican contacted me about this, I immediately set to work on fining out the reason, and it stems from a very... unexpected point.", he lifts his wrinkled hand... Sparkles emits from it while he explained "As you already know, your majesty: Everybody possesses some inkling of magic, whether or not they use it.". He stares at Earnest's sword's hilt, somewhat hidden under his robes... "Like you: you are a accomplished swordsman, but possess the ability to conduct spells and the signature Paladin's ability: Skyward-Slash. With the right training, even monsters can learn some form of magic, too, as it flows in every living thing.". Olivera leans closer as the old man now gets to the point "The reason I have told you this, is because this is exactly why the creatures are attacking: their magic has given them the ability to notice the (ahem) overkill that has been conducted on them and even the Earth itself, this event has caused a few species to even die out, resulting in a collective, revengeful conscious that wants to take the land. But, the creatures are in fact: only creatures. We have ways of stopping this, without having to constantly fight.". Earnest leans in too, as his wife has done and replies "We shall have measures taken place for excessive hunting and harvesting, but for the moment: what exactly do we do to halt this?".

Herbert quickly closes his hand, making smaller sparkles fly every where "Your Majesty, there is only one way: I have read that people with strong-mana can reset the magical-conscious of the very land. With enough people, they can beseech it and ... Reset the creature's minds. Centuries of overkill and and hunting will be forgotten, and we can live normally again.". Olivera spoke up in a concerned tone... "So it's possible to do this without any bloodshed and sacrifices, correct? Where shall we find these people?", the old man smiles "Your majesties: you ARE such people. Centuries ago, maybe a few magicians could simply do it... But as of now: everybody's weakened-magic flows through a constant... lap around their home. It goes through the people and then it's ruler, which in this case, is you. Therefore, not only is your mana higher than others, but you can access the civilians' too, which means only you and the other rulers in our neighboring kingdoms can perform this.". Earnest sat back and rubs his face... "But... our neighbors are nothing but rebel-rousers and murderers, we can't force them to listen to reason...". Herbert bowed again "Your majesty needn't worry about this yet, there's still the possibility of this being a huge hoax by a powerful wizard: I will need a sample of mana from a creature with higher intelligence to be sure... Once I know, then we may need to worry about visiting our... Neighbors...". The king swung his arm "Begone, let me think..."... Corsican and Herbert leave the gilded throne room, as Olivera tries to speak with her now distressed husband. The white demon sneers "I see, there preparing to visit the other kingdoms, before the monsters lose their minds. They're gonna have a buncha shit to do, which would probably end up with them rising their army... it'll get loud here, soon...". He dislodged his tail and crawls towards the castle moat "I'll see what the others are doing, too... Maybe they're chillin'?..."

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