Spiritual and Physical

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                   -Edmond starts to look more and more excited as he questions the demon-

"So.. we're right! There's no need for you to eat!" the alchemist laughs, then asks "This proves your spiritual/physical  nature! And to get closer to the matter at hand, HOW exactly does your type breed?". Wit huffed and replied "Through fucking each other or you guys! Unless..." he ends the sentence in a somewhat less annoyed tone... "You're asking about THAT!", Edmond laughs "Of course I am! Demons make more demons, and demons and humans make cambions! But we all know there can't be demon children actually being raised in hell right?! That's no place for kids to grow up, so how EXACTLY are there more demons?!"...

The white demon folds his arms as he looks up at him... "By that damned bitch..." he starts, the humans listen closely as Wit explains "You're right: demons kill eachother FAR too much to actually have any left, in fact: the original demons CAN spawn more, but are annoyed with and kill them far too fast to keep up the legions that are suppose to tempt you guys... so... a system was made in place so that the original-fallen-angels could keep to themselves, while others do the work for them. This system is called: Shub-Niggurath..", Edmond's expression gets far more excited as Lora asks "Wait a minute, I think I heard about that... or at least read it from somewhere, it's real!?". Wit replies "Everything is... somethings only exists in places like Hyperborea... and even the stuff you guys don't believe is real, exists in hell.", Lora gasps upon hearing this: No wonder Wit was disturbed earlier, what else is lurking around in front of them!? Wit continues as he starts to remember everything... his angry expression turns into a battle-hardened glare as he explains "That bitch would grab demons like me, called Spawners... and snatch out any clumped-together dust or pollen out of our bodies and grow them into more demons..." he scowls and grimaced as he remember his siblings... "Shub-Niggurath wrenched the remaing sperm and shit out of our bodies then fertilize them...". Lora steps back as she imagines what this could possibly mean as Edmond replies "Interesting: so You CAN germinate like us, but you're more or less cloned instead then; only if your parents didn't have more than one child, which had birth complications AND if you're born a spawner, correct?!", Wit replies "Yeah... as you can imagine: any rape down there is normally retaliated at by the victim, dudes can barely get one kid out unless he was unusually huge... so the Higher-ups made spawners a 50% chance of being born, so that we could be cloned easily, the clones are by no means perfect and can't spawn or even have the same abilities as the original spawner... My brethren... spawn barely even looked like me...". Edmond chuckled as he turns back towards his book... Lora could only stare at Wit after hearing this: any semblance of a family down there was torn to shreds at the very start, having a mate and siblings, even how they're born or... rather cloned from another was disturbing, it sounded more like a factory than anything natural at all...

The alchemist laughs "So it's like one the chicken farms in every other part of the world: get the bird, feed it growth-hormones and there! Fully grown food from!? Or more like a Vanishing or parasitic twin birth-defect?!", Wit replies "Yeah... exactly...". Edmond chuckled as he quickly looks down and finds a excerpt from his encyclopedia "There it is!! Now: since we know for a FACT you're spiritual-physical or... metaphysical? We have a link to make your cells change into human, at least for a little longer than THAT potion did!". Lora turns toward him "H, how!!?" she asks, the alchemist explains: "Hyperborea has MANY creatures that exist in both the physical with us, yet... are spiritual! The easiest to get and most physical sided, meaning you should be able to bring this back easier. Capture either a Poltergiest or a Cactus-Mandrake!". The princess steps forward "A cactus mandrake? You mean those things in Augite? A Cacto-lantern?"

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