The Sea-City: Neptune

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       -Wit goes by her side as he watched the people of Neptune from afar-

"Now we'll see if they'll cooperate!" the white demon say with a smirk "Good luck, last time I visited: they were still fighting themselves!". Lora looks surprised a little "Wait, you were here before?", Wit explains as he looks at the gates "Yeah, when I got out I visted this place, too..". She then asks "I see... But, you said they were still fighting, you could see this place down in hell, too?", the white demon looks up at her and explains "Yeah, we can see everything from down there: it's easier to from hell. Only the higher-ranking demons have omnivision. They could see us whether they're down there or up here!". He crawls around her "But enough of that, looks like I'll be bored on this trip: if you go straight to the governor, everything'll go smoothly.". Lora giggles a little "You're just upset because you can't run straight me up the side of a mountain, again!", the white demon laughs "Too true I'll miss having you pressed tightly against me!". He suddenly stands and cups her small breasts "You kept me warm and toasty up there!", Lora reflexively elbows his nose. Wit fell back and holds it as she yells "Watch it! You, you cad!" in a angry tone, still her voice was too soft to feel a sense of fear from. He yells back "I wasn't gonna hurt you!!! Ya bitch!!!", Wit suddenly crawls away as he hears Gawain and the others coming. "Princess, it's safe: The pirates are were they're normally frequent. Everything's okay!" the paladin assured her. Lora hides her flustered emotions as she replies "Great... but, wot took so long?", Gawain sighs "These guys started to get too excited about the new place, I had to ...remind them we were here on business.". The mercs frowned, looking in different directions.. Lora sighs: she's now getting a heavier air from the group than when they started...

They walked into Neptune and admire the beautiful area and the huge beach near the entrance as they easily made their way to the palace, via the vending streets and by the food stands. Lora felt the ominous feeling again, and quickly turns to see Wit crawling in the background, he easily and deftly avoided sight of everybody else who haven't laid eyes on a demon before... and suddenly sneaks a nectarine from a food stand and opens his mouth wide to eat it: seemingly dislocating his jaw to. She yell-whispers "Don't!" on reflex, causing Wit to put it back angrily and leave... Lora wonders as she watched him crawl quickly ahead "That worked? I didn't expect it to, that wos mostly me copying wot my parents did: how come Wit listened? It's strange, especially after wot just happened, I thought he'd be even more mad and wouldn't listen more than anything else..". The group suddenly stops, causing Lora to break out of thought... she looks up at the ice-blue palace, each tower had waterfalls flowing though a vent in between the walls that went into the moat underneath the building. Though the palace gates weren't reached via crossing over it on a bridge, rather it was simply for decoration as the pavement went straight from the castle-town center and directly to the palace door. Gawain nears the gates, but is blocked by two Neptuian-soldiers.

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