Omnipotent: 2

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                                                              -The king then glared as he asks-

"Herbert, is there any reason why we saw her, rather than God? What is the meaning of what we saw?". The old man quickly flips through the book and stops on another page "The reason for this, is because the Magical-Conscience... is fading far too quickly..." everybody starts to lose hope: while no expressions changed, the atmosphere got much heavier... "Well, they say that's a possible reason...". Herbert continues... he then looks up from the book "Our ancestors give  many accounts on why a prayer won't reach the god we need to see...", Olivera steps closer "What are they? We must see about all of them!". The oldman replied "The first reason they give starts at a very... long explanation... the shorter ones are simple though: not enough mana, a faux ruler and praising the wrong deity would hamper this... but we're all on one accord and DID see a child of God... so...". Everybody hangs on his next sentence... Herbert then inhales and let out... 

"The god they speak of is the creator of all the gods Earth see a mythological, this one is recognized as VERY REAL by many people, despite not having any proof...", he swings his wrinkly hand and creates a magical-projection of space as he further explains... "The book says that this Almighty God was the one who created Chaos, while the current meaning might be disorder, it also means a gap, void, or gape... a formless, infinite abyss. This is also applied to the god Chaos or χάος, who begot the first Greek (and Roman)  gods, and they themselves seem only to control and manipulate certain aspects of reality itself, rather than existence...". Most of the group awes at this realization: yes, many gods were said to only control specific aspects of life... Don suddenly spoke "So, there's a almighty God that created the others? Not to be skeptical, but what proof do we have that this itself isn't a lie, or mass hysteria? In Hyperborean history books: it's well stated that the Olympian gods DID dwell and interact with people all over Earth and later, only Hyperboreans.  And there's still much proof of that, even though they ceased most of this contact for eons..", Herbert squeezes his own hand, causing the projection to show a explosion... "A Hebrew explanation for Chaos is a state prior to actual creation... a darkness and confusion... Many mythologies refer to the same concept in different ways, as they have the gods. The most popular Chaos, as one would put it now... is the Big bang Theory: which theorizes life being formed from a high-density, high-temperature state. If one thinks about it, there are MANY holes in this theory that are agreed upon by many... How important it is in the bigger-picture and how exactly it occurred and what was before it, is debated upon in scientific and religious communities... My point is this: What are the chances of a random explosion starting life? What started the explosion and how were we formed from this? My hypothesis is that... someone wanted it to happen and guided what would happen during this expansion, or at least what life would be borne into existence, otherwise... it's highly possible that nothing would've happened from the big-bang except more Chaos.". Earnest then exclaims "There IS a God."...

Don folded his arms "Then how to we get to Him? How do we contact something that doesn't interact with us at all?", Herbert dispelled the magical-projection and explains "By travelling somewhere that's unknown to even us and our sister-nations such as Mu, Lyonesse and Alantis: The garden of Eden.". Everybody either gasps or stare in wonder... Causing Herbert to excitedly flips to another section in his records-book "Yes, (it's a shame we have so very few copies of the original Bible...) according to this: It was the first nation of Earth, as you may know, the only human inhabitants it had were kicked out... But the garden still exists..", Peche then asks "Where is it suppose to be located then? I heard and heard of this place, but... it's not in the list of hidden-off-continents.". Herbert sighs ...then explains "It's over our heads... you see: there's ancient-texts explaining that the Garden was simply hidden from the rest of earth... but, apparently people had become so ..vile at one point: that the very ground was becoming sinful.. so Eden was outcropped from Earth and hung in the sky..", Don wondered at this... "So, it's above us? Then we can just fly there, right?". Peche agreed "Yes, this does sound strange: why hasn't anyone seen it?"

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