The Garden Of Eden's Problems

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                                               -The group listens closely as Herbert explains..-

"Correct: we CAN fly, there... and..." he sighed... then continues "We haven't seen it, because no one's looked, nor knows how to look.". Peche crosses his arms, too "Yet we have records of Eden?", Earnest adds "I believe the records... but, this IS strange if the writers were correct in their findings...". The Oldman replies "They don't have much about Eden in any literature... only that it IS in fact over our heads. I would need to assume that we must use a...Meta-physical or... some other intangible connection to get there.", Lora gasps softly at hearing this, as the king asks "What do you mean?". Herbert creates a 3d-blueprint via magic and explains "From what I learned: the gods know FULL well about the Almighty God. Some serve Him still in secret, while others may or may not have caused the many crimes against Christianity via their followers... The important thing here, is that all their temples were used to beseech Him: they receive mana from prayers, and in return, would give some to God. This means there's some kind of connection that would still be there, today... in spite of people being more-so atheistic or relaxed about their forms of worship, hypothetically, we could use these archaeological-paths.". Don arched his eyebrow "Alright, so there's paths to God Himself via temples: Why haven't anyone used one? I understand why only our people know, but... this should've been found by now. We could even go to the heavens: if this is true, right?" he asked, the blueprint shows a temple and planes circling it, as Herbert informs him "No.. People outside of Hyperborea can't do this.". Olivera finally speaks up "So, if we fly... take-off from temple grounds, or ruins: then we'd at least find the garden of Eden?", the blueprint disappears, as Herbert replied "Only in Hyperborea, your majesty. We still have the link needed for this to work: even in the random chance of someone outside of our continent finding this out and trying it: nothing would happen because of their disconnection with the spiritual...". Peche replies quietly "This is why we must preserve Hyperborea...", Earnest then replies "So our plan: is to locate a temple, and take off from there: we'll be able to access the aether above us, and behold the Garden of Eden.... hypothetically, right? Then beseech this God from there, and our prayers would be able to reach then.". He sighs in slight relief "He can reset the pollution and damage we've done...", Lora stares in slight-shock... then asks "Wot do you mean? This isn't only from normal circumstances?" she sounded somewhat angry near the end... Causing Earnest to turns toward her, also angered "Yes, you should know already. Again, I ask if this fact is more important than what we've talked about earlier?". Herbert then asks "Your majesty...", the king turns away from her... 

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