Searching for pirate Treasure

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                                     -The group leaves back towards Neptune's gates...-

The group nears the resorts and hotels that surrounded Azure coast. Gawain glares as they near the first beach, filled with tourists and locals... He looks down at the princess as he asks "Are we REALLY going to listen to what he said?", Lora replies as she continues looking out towards the archipelago full off people "Yes, we have to try: I think they did have a book, at least I have memories of dad bringing me here on vacation. And of a man named Blackbeard, mentioning it, hearing this now... It confirms my memories are correct: it seems like we're bending too easily, but if we at least look for the book: we'd have at least tried to do this peacefully.. ".

He sighs, then gestured for the mercs to come closer and walks away with them "We'll be in real danger from this point on: no more getting distracted!" he warns, they leave the princess to check the area... Meanwhile, Wit sits atop a tree as he looks at the sparkling water "So we're gonna listen to that jackass?" he  sighed agitatedly. Lora replies "We have to save Hyperborea... even if it means listening to ...unsavory people... I at least have a idea where to look out here too: I remember Olimpia telling me how she lost her treasure in a shipwreck...", the white demon sneers "This'll suck, but at least I get to see some action when go over that boardwalk!". The princess look up at him in curiosity "Action?" she asks, Wit smirks "You'll see when ya get there!"... his voice sounded slightly serious near the end, showing more concern for the fight than sheer enjoyment. Lora realized this and continuous to watch Wit leap from the tree and crawl up ahead... Gawain finally turns back around "Sorry princess, we're ready!" he informs her: the guards form the diamond-formation again and go to the Azure Coast.

They go over the bridge and into Azure Coast, the sun brightly shone down on the many beaches and ocean, everything seemed to sparkle, including the nearby hotels' windows. They inconspicuously made their way away from the crowds and to the more quiet area of the huge beach... there: only the sound of the ocean and tropical birds can be heard. To the left, one would travel across a series of islands with ruins from a ancient civilization. The area remains untouched by modern, hyperborean hands; to keep both the history and wildlife untainted and alive. To the right: were a few more modern buildings, huts and a few food stands can be seen. But further than this, is a small island that's just under the surface of the water... many sea creatures can be seen swimming by the land bridges, some actually climb on and travel the area along side the few humans who'd dare travel this far. Many small pools can be seen in the cliffs and spires that sometime are decorated along side the many beaches, caves also are formed too, and filled with even more wildlife.. Usually, one can even here mermaids' and sirens' singing coming from deep inside the caves in the mornings and near the evening...

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