At the gates of Eden: Looking in

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          -While Wit fought Gidley, the paladins and princess resolve the family matters...-

The group walks back to the shipyard, with Craig and Aura behind them, making up... Jade happily smiles "I'm glad that they got everything resolved...". Percival gags "It took forever, and we have more efficient ways to get things done...", Lancelot scoffed "You're cold as shit, man...". The metro-sexual-paladin suddenly changed his tone "W, wait... I'm not always like that: it's just that I know we could've did this in a more... business-like way...", Lancelot replies "I guess... but I'm more attracted to what th' princess had in mind... (Even though it was borin' as hell...)". Lora smiles as she listens to the paladins: until she felt a dark, forboding feeling... It was similar to when Wit was near, but now it felt as if something else invaded earth again! She quickly turns toward the others exclaiming "We're almost there! Can't you believe it?", Gawain replies "No... though it's happening: we're actually probably going to see a land that's been floating over our heads this whole time!". She giggles "Yes! I'm so excited!" she skips away to the shipyard: feigning excitement for terror... Percival yelled out "Come back! You...", Jade cuts off his sentence "Let her go! She hasn't been able to act like a kid before or after she started these trips! Let her be excited, plus: she's happy we're getting ready to help people, most kids her age like phones and fucking constantly...".                                                            

                                                                        Up ahead...

Lora ran in the shipyard: she knew if Wit was seen he could face Divine-Punishment, and if another demon was there, he could be in serious danger! The princess could go to warn him before they came; but then sees horror unfold in the sky: She sees Wit stabbing through the purple demon as they soared high over the ground, then slam feet away from her! Lora steps closer to see Wit frantically and desperately stabbing the demon's corpse until it burned away... then stand up, revealing his single-leg and arm!!! "Wit!!" she cries... He quickly looks up to see the princess "Ah good! You're here..." he says in relief.. she walks closer "W, wot happened??! Th, the others never did anything like this!". Wit replies "He wassa soldier from the royal-army... ...but don't worry..." he looks at the black-smoke rising from his arm and leg-sockets... the smoke coming from his shoulder starts forming into a arm... "I suffered shit like this all the time in hell..." he explains with a relived-tone, yet trembling voice... Lora starts to tear up: no wonder he was so afraid, no wonder he was on edge: Wit didn't act like the others, so of course he was terrified at the thought of being hunted while on Earth... and was being too optimistic believing they wouldn't pursue him... but... she didn't possibly think this could happen... Wit then smiles slightly "Ah yeah... Your sword was ended up in me when I changed back... good thing I'm not a human! That woulda been horrific!", he then places it back in a long-scratch wound that's near his ribs... "I might need it again, later..." he realizes..  Lora wanted to hold him: as she watched him feigning a game-face and, yet believing he needs to keep a weapon now... She then shook her head and warns him "The others are coming!", Wit's eyes widened "Alright, alright..." he says as he hops away on one-foot and dives into the water.. Lora starts to cry: seeing him like this was too much. After being with Wit for so long and what they went through, seeing what he was trying to avoid was too much for her... But she quickly straighten's her face and wipe it off, as the others came...

"Thanks again for ever'thin'" Craig laughed, Jade replies "Its all the princess's doing! We couldn't of sorted that out!". She then turns toward her "Right...", she notices her puffy-eyes... "Are you okay???!" she asks... Lora replies "I'... I'm fine... it's just... maybe a mood-swing?" she lies... Craig smile "Don't worry, afta seein' my crew, you'll perk up in no time!".

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