The purple Demon

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-Wit steps back as the purple demon steps forward...-

Unlike the others: Wit didn't know this one, and visible signs of fear can be seen instead of annoyance and Wit's being able to feign nonchalant-attitude... "Who are you?!" the white demon asks angrily... The purple demon steps faster: "I'm Gidley, soldier of the kingdom-of-Lucifer's royal army!" he proudly yells...

"Gidley stands out 6'0-190.90 and has purple-skin with gold-hues were natural-occurring-colors would appear on humans. He has the shape of a muscular-Jamaican-man and weirdly has dreadlocks that look like black-feathers growing from his head. His ox-horns, claws and talons are all a golden-shade and his eyes are solid ebony. He also has a 40ft long, saber looking tail, with a pointed edged. On a strange note: he also has shoebill-wings and feet, that stands out from the rest of his body... His voice sounds like a loud-man with a heavy-Anguillan accent, and has a overly narcistic-proud, arrogant tone."

Wit glares as the purple demon then adds "You are coming with me to hell, as per the lord's orders!", the white demon replies "I don't need to be there!! Seriously: There's a thousand breeders down there that can churn up more brats than I could!! You'll literally get nothing from me! Make someone else do it!". Gidley sucked his teeth "Tsk, tsk... You killed WAY too many demons to be let go: we DON'T NEED YOUR sorry STUPID ASS! We want revenge, you broke-ass, punk-ass, stupid FOOL!!", he charged at Wit! The white demon quickly flips toward a building, Gidley angrily fires his tail at the white demon! Wit dodged and notices the crash sound behind him: he turns to see the purple demon has smashed a whole through the dock/shipyard area!!? "Shit... I guess since he's a higher-up: he doesn't hafta becareful!" Wit thought to himself, the tail quickly retracts and slaps the white demon into the air!!!. The white demon notices the area's fixed again... then realized "Shit, I was right: he just used alchemy to fix that... He won't hold back!". Wit then grabs the tail as it swings around to strike him in midair, and used it's force to fling himself into the water... The white demon swims away via doing the butterfly "He'll catch up soon, maybe I can hide before he..." his thoughts are interrupted by the purple demon crashing into the water! "You idiot, you suck at swimming!!!" Gidley laughed: his voice was easy to hear, either because they're both supernatural and could hear underwater or because they're demons and liquids had little to no affect on their voices as it didn't on their breathing.... The purple demon then quickly comes after him doing the frog-kick, Wit tries to get away, but the purple demon quickly caught up and sliced at him with his tail! The white demon barely deflects the attack via his own tail and horn, and hurries back to the port! "Shit!!! The friction slowed him down, but he's getting speed from doing that stroke! I need to get back up..." Wit thought as he climbs up on the yard, he starts to run, when the bladed-tail tears up through the wood!! It cuts off Wit's right-leg, causing him to fall forwards, and quickly crawl away! Gidley leaps out of the water and laughs at the site of Wit crawling with one leg... "Ha!!! Muhahahahaha! TOLD your stupid ass, you were gonna die! You're not good enough to even go back: so the thing you're gonna do: is suffer like hell, UNTIL YOU FUCKING DIE!!", he then whipped his tail at him again! Wit tries to hop away, but is knocked high into the air!! He then notices a horrific pain, and turns to see his left-arm was also torn off!!!? Black blood sprays everywhere as Wit falls back to the ground "D, dammit! I gotta get away, if I get into the castle-town, then he'll HAVE to go back!" he thought, he then bounced off the port as soon as he touched: the jump propels him high in the air and slowly drifts him over the buildings. Gidley scoffed then chuckles "You can't get away, you fucking retard!!", his tail reaches to wrap around the white demon!!! Wit looks down and sees it coming, but notices a light emitting from somewhere... He suddenly/reflexively gags horrifically and coughs up his silver-sword!!! Wit quickly deflects the tail, then awes at the blade "What the shit!!? I guess when I transformed back: the thing was trapped inside me... my clothes and shit disappeared when I did, but I guess this didn't!" he realized. The white demon then noticed the tail already snapped back and was slung out again, he quickly then used: Skyward-Slice! The beam slowly falls toward Gidley, but he easily dodges it and shouted "That human attack won't touch ME, you TRASH!". He then launched himself to Wit, the white demon smirks "Idiot! He has NO idea how long this thing was in the sun!" he thought... The white demon launches another beam, Gidley flies to the side, and doesn't notice the feint-move until too late! Wit fired another beam now: leading the shot/beam somewhat causing it to clip Gidley!!! He immediately caught on holy-fire and drops faster than Wit is!! The white demon grabs the heavier-demon's tail and pulls himself to the burning-body! Gidley angrily turns to shred him into pieces, but was wasn't able to stop Wit from stabbing through his heart!!! Gidley's heart burns up, causing his body to combust into flames!!! Wit keeps stabbing the demon's chest and rib cavity in anger as they slam into the port: every stab and thrust was to make sure Gidley doesn't rise again... Until the holy-fire burns the carcass to nothing..

...Lora stares at the horrific sight in awe and horror...

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