The yellow Demon

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                                 -At the same moment the fight took place...-

Wit has crawled outside and into the desert "It's so boring like RPGs: Ooh you attack, but ya miss. Then the eneny does and they get EVRY hit they want: why??????! It's not fair! Did the thing get programmed so that all the numbers stack against your character? Why the hell do I miss every attack or at all? Wasn't my character a fighter in tha first place?" he thought out loud as he quickly crawls across the desert... until he sees a Oasis. The white demon swiftly crawls to and leaps inside the small pond there "Ahhhh! This one's real! It was hilarious to watch humans jump in sand, when: of course, we know where the actual thing is!" he laughs to himself... Then hears a rumbling noise... Wit crawls carefully out of the oasis "What the fucking hell?? Is it the oasis? I know that isn't coming from the  fight way over there: I crawled a good 3 miles from that place..." he goes forward a little further when a huge tail slaps him high over the sand. Luckily, the fact it is sand kept his landing from being harsh. Wit quickly looks around, until he sees who the giant tail belonged to: "Goldenrod..." the white demon says with anger as the yellow demon leers evilly at him...

"Goldenrod the yellow demon stands at 5'9ft-179.83cm and has a muscular, humanoid shape. His horns are the shape of a scolopendra-cingulata atenna, and are dark-yellow color. His eyes are completely black like others, too and his evil sneer matches them. His black, leg-like claws and talons give off a disturbing vibe of being alive in-and-of themselves, as they wriggle independently from what the rest of their respective limbs are doing. Goldenrod himself would stand like most demons: overconfidently upright, but his giant tail causes him to bend forward somewhat as he moves it underground. One more grotesque detail is his wings, which are the shape of a horsefly's, the only saving grace is the slight rainbow that comes from the sunlight shining through the fluttering things... this and that the demon's tail is far too heavy to allow him to fly, and make the roach buzzing noise that comes with it... His voice sounds like a angry adult, male-human with a sarcastic tone."

Wit steps back as Goldenrod laughs "There you are, bitch!!", he steps closer, slowly and dramatically as he snickered "You're such a pussy: you killed your own siblings just so you won't go back to hell! Well guess what!!?" he yells... The white demon gets ready to fight as the yellow one finished "Now you got nobody goin' soft on ya, now! I'm draggin' your punk-ass to hell, now!!". Wit flips away as the rumble happens again, but is still knocked over by Goldenrod's tail. The white demon looks up at the end of it: 

The tail was 6ft wide and a mile long, the end itself seemed to be a face of a centipede. This sight was horrific enough with the hundred legs constantly writhing and moving on it's sides and the face itself having several mandibles, ready to bite... but, inside it's mouth were more pincers, with individual rows of fangs on everyone, whenever the centipede roared, one can see the extra rows going down it's throat, too. 

Wit quickly leaps up and tries to run, but Goldenrod easily sends the centipede after him, it misses by a few feet, knocks the white demon high into the air. Witt lands half-a-mile away... "Shit... I need to hurry! I can't even see that bastard!!" he thought aloud, he then starts to run as he hears rumbles again... "Crap, that thing can sense my vibra..." Wit starts, when the centipede leaps up beside him. The white demon flung violently through the air and slams by a huge boulder... "Good thing I didn't hit that: the vibration would immediately tell that walking-garbage where I am..." Wit thought as he stood back up, he then got a idea... Meanwhile, Goldenrod starts towards the last direction he saw Wit "That asshole's standing out to easy, he shouldn't be that damned hard to find!!!" he thought, until he feels a slight vibration "That's not a human, it's too fast... And those other bags of meat already killed most of the monsters..." he quickly looks around as he thought... then sees the boulder "There he is!" Goldenrod yells out loud. He sends his centipede up through it... but doesn't see Wit rag-dolling from the impact "Shit!!! Then what the hell?! Did the fucking boulder fart???!" he seethed angrily. Meanwhile, Wit was atop sunken pyramid. He tosses bricks and tree nuts in random areas "This'll confuse that asshole until I..." Wit's thought was cut off by the tail whipping the pyramid in half. The white demon slams into the sand as the centipede charged at him "You dumb bitch!!! How long did you think something THAT retarded would work???!!" Goldenrod seethed. The white demon tries to run but the centipede whips itself into the sand, causing Wit to be flung via the impact: Fortunately, the rain of sand hid where he landed, much to the yellow demon's anger and dismay... Wit meanwhile has crawled far away from the area and is sitting in a tree "He needs to see and feel me for his tail... so I'll need to stay away, at least until everybody leaves the tomb.. Then that yellow piece-of-shit will have to go..." the white demon thought, until the tree's uprooted by the centipede. Wit falls violently into the sand, but is seized before he can stand: the centipede holds Wit from behind, squeezing him tightly and constantly scratching it's smaller mandibles across his back the entire time. Wit tries to get free, until Goldenrod ran to him "Stop it, bitch! Or I'll just pinch you in half!". The white demon glared into the other demon's eyes... Goldenrod then explained "The law says to keep you alive still: you have shit to do down there and no one else's gonna do it! SOoooooo, I'm gonna do what your soft-assed siblings never did: without your limbs, you can't possibly get free!". Wit prepares to thrust his tail through the yellow demon's chest, but it's held painfully in place, by a pair of fanged mandibles. Goldenrod prepares to snatch a arm off as Wit thought "Sh, shit... even if I used force, I'll just lose a part... They'll grow back, but not before he tears the rest of me to pieces: this guy probably doesn't care if he'll get a punishment from hell for killing me, either...". He sighs calmly: Then I'll have to concentrate everything on the next move:  if it doesn't work... Then ...I... I hope at least... dammit!", he lifts his hand upwards slightly... Wit's barely able to move it as both of his arms are pinned to his sides, but he's able to uncomfortably move his right-hand upwards from behind... He squeezes tightly, all his strength leaves the rest of his body, almost allowing for him to easily be broken in half, simply from the centipede's grip... But the hand tightly holds the mandible just over it, then cracks and tears it off the tail. The centipede let's go off Wit and leaps back in pain, the white demon suddenly rushed Goldenrod, who was in shock and pain, due to the painful sting that suddenly emitted from the centipede and through him. Wit pierced through his heart, Goldenrod grabs his hand and almost swung back, but his ebony blood pours out profusely... The yellow demon and centipede both fall and disintegrate into oblivion... Wit walks away "You shit-colored bastard..." he says as he staggers away... his body covered in bruises, scratches and slices from the falls and scrapes the centipede caused... He then notices the familiar figure of Lora in the distance "Lora??" he asks as he staggers to her... she ran to him as she sees the black smoke rising from his wounds... "Wit!" she calls out as they near each other...

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