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                                        -The captain then explains their situation...-

Jade sighs deeply and explains "Um... Mr Strix? We hail from Castiel... a kingdom from below: and we're looking for a way to contact a being known as God."... Strix's eyes widened... sparkling even more than normal... 

"Strix is 6'7 and is tan, his hair like dreadlocks, but is actually Mottled-eyed-owl feathers... The tall man also wore white-robes, and they have gilded spellings about the chest, waist. The same gilded-words are on his sandals too, though they're unseen... Strix's eyes are also onyx colored, and has many sparkles as Luca did as everybody else did in Eden... His warm-smile did not fit his insanely-tall stature and monster-like-image... His voice is calm and mid-deep, with a intelligent, loving tone."

"Ah... you want to talk about the Father..." he replies, then turns away as he says "Please follow me: I'll tell you everything you want to know...". The paladins all had their hands on their sword-hilts... but having no other option: follow Strix, as does Ron and Lora... and Wit!!

Minutes later, Strix lead them into the giant-tent they saw earlier: inside is a bazaar filled with people both selling and buying: it's noisy also, but... Strix leads them to a quiet-corner, where only older-people are sitting. Though: you can only tell they're old from their much more mature look in their eyes: as their bodies are very much young and healthy... The group sits down at a table as the paladins still awe at their surroundings... Gawain then asks "Um... what is this place??", Percival adds "Yes, it seems like we should've gone somewhere more private??". Strix calmly-replies "But this is alot more lively, plus: it's more quiet here, than it would be at the academy...", Jade then explained "Alright, this is great: but we need answers, how do we get to God? We need help!". Strix replies "First, before I tell you: please refer to the Heavenly-Father as such or by Him and/or He, and to explain how to contact Him: you must understand what we are and where you are..", Lancelot replied "Alright, what the hell are you? We know we're in Eden!". The tall-being replies "Yes... sorry: of course one wouldn't be here without knowledge of it. I'm a Engel: one of the many in our beautiful home. As you may already know: my name in particular is: Strix and I'm a professor at the Knight-Academy you might have seen. ...Another fact you might know, is that we are the only other people here besides creature of Earth.", the paladins seem to all have a wondering or annoyed frown as he continues... "We've been the only one's here since near the beginning if time.. but, we saw your professor explaining this at the summit..". Everybody leaps a little in their chairs! Jade yells "H, how did you know that??!", Lancelot readies his blade "Just exactly what the hell are ya???". Strix smiles-warmly "It's fine: we're not spying on you. We simply watch the surface dwellers as we watch the stars...".

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