Greatest treasure of All: 5

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-The dark goddess yells out from a mile away!!-

"The actual heck!!!!?" she shouted,  the others to turn towards her in surprise! The black-speck in the distance suddenly teleports directly in front of the group!!! "Seriously, Yahwen! WHY!!? We're on a tight-schedule!!" Noella yelled, the light-goddess replies "But Lora wasn't even able to bring herself there, even if she forced herself: how could she pray in the state she was in? Plus..." Yahwen smiles happily "Look how happy they are, now!". Noella shuddered in anger "You're my sister, I love you: but you can be such a fool! We don't have time for feels now!" she shouts, then turns to leave "I'm going by myself, you moron!". The light-goddess replies "Y, You jerk!", as her sister teleports away... Lora stares in curiosity, then turns toward Yahwen "I won't butt in too far, but... it's strange that she said that only when she wos so angry? It wos ALMOST cute...", the light-goddess replied "Because we're children of our Father: Even if Noella's mean... and she thinks I'm a little careless(?).. We still love each other very much and don't want to say something to make us hate each one another by any means...". Lora turns towards Wit.. "We won't either, right?" she asks with a cheery-smile.. Wit replies casually "Yeah..". Yahwen then explains "You better hurry now, I'm losing some power, so I can't help you in this forme for much longer: You'll find Noella soon anyway: she probably wouldn't go by herself anyway!", her hologram disappears...

Minutes later, Noella hears Wit and Lora coming through Caillte woods... "Yeah, some songs are human shit, and some we actually sing ourselves... well, some of us can sing, haha!" the white demon finishes. Lora replies "That explains alot of songs and bands...". Noella jumps at them "What the heck??! You guys took forever!!" she yelled, the princess replies with a pleasant-smile "Sorry, we enjoyed speaking to each other again!". The dark-goddess turns away "You're gonna both die, if we don't do this!! Hurry up!" she warned, Lora then realizes something as Noella gets ready to leave "Wait!! ...Even if we do this.. Me and the the Hyperboreans would be safe, but Wit would still be hunted, right? Can we ask your Dad to help him with that!?".. Wit awes as Noella turns around "Yeah! It's easy! He'll just make Wit property-of-Heaven! Then the demons can't get 'em!" she says. the couple watch her in wonder until she explains: "It's like how demons can't interact with humans, except through: temptation, being summoned, being willing vessels and... sleeping with them! But... Property-of-Heaven/ Dad's junk can't have anything to do with demons and vice-a-versa! We can just ask him along with the other thing!". Lora grabs Wit's hands "We can save you, too!" she cheers, the white demon smiles "No more losing limbs and gettin' fucked up!!" he laughs. The princess turns toward Noella "This is perfect!" she says in a thankful tone, the dark-goddess suspiciously turns away "Yeah, yeah.. Let's go!!!".

The group heads through the deeper part of the woods: the creatures there are very much alive and run in fear... Noella smirked "What the hell?! They're not bowing!?" she asks.. Wit replies "'cause I'm here, the freaks're afraid of demons!". The dark-goddess chuckled "Hell, I like this better than that bowing shit!"...

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