Return to Augite: 2

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                                            -Earnest then turns toward his left and says...-

"This is a captain of our royal army: Percival. He will accompany you on your return to Augite, and maybe Caillte IF your source isn't as dependable as he said he was to you..." he explains, Lora looks up at the paladin: Percival looks like every other paladin, save for his luscious, light-violet hair and his make-up... maybe outside of socializing: he's serious, but he looks way too dressed-up/unconcerned with the murderous events that he has to face, with his blush and eyeshadow on... Lora replied "Ah... don't worry..." she says to her dad, she then turns toward the metrosexual-paladin "And it's nice to meet you, Percival." she greets him.  He frowns slightly "Yes, I'm sure... Glad to meet you, too..".. Lora stops smiling... his demeanor was alot different than the others...

After explaining the details of her plans, Lora goes to her room: awaiting the next day... "This is going to be hard..." she says as Wit climbed through her window... "Yeah, that hardass might not let you outta his sight: even if I went to kill the thing myself: how are you gonna explain nobody being there?!" he asks. She sighs "I'm not sure... I barely made it through this...", he smirks "But ya did it! I told you that lie would work!". He crawls in front of her "Listen, when we go: I'll find some disguise then.. and if he doesn't drag the body back, I'll try it! might slow me down a little, but we'll still get something to that damned, science fag!", Lora sighs "Yea... I really hope this works... ....this could turn out really bad, too..."..

The next day: Lora arrives in the throneroom: dressed in a loosely-fitting lilac-shirt and red-Kurdish-trousers.. Earnest stares at her... "Dear.. um, we already have good relations with Augite, there's no need to hide..." he wondered "...why aren't you wearing your royal garments?".  She then explains "It wos very hot last time...", he shrugs as he answers: "You're right: I curse every visit I made there, for I never took off my robe..". He sighed as memories crept up... then says "Percival, she's in your hands.". The paladin replies with a way-too-serious-tone... "Yes, your majesty...", Earnest then asks "Wait, is your team outside of the castle?". Percival holds his blade's hilt as he explains: "No sire, I'm all that's needed on this quest." he says, Earnest replies with his eyebrow arched "I see: I shall hold you to that, now begone.".

40 minutes later: they arrived at Augite... Lora, now feeling a bit lighter and remembering the landscape easily; leads Percival to the desert: all the while wondering how she'd explain this.. "I hope Wit has a plan..." she thought "Then again, he might think I have one...". She then looks around the blazing-desert and sees more Cacto-lanterns lurking the sands... "At least there's no lack of specimen to capture, but... how do I lie to Percival about this event?"

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