Searching for Pirate Treasure: 4

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           -Lora excitedly waves down her bodyguards as they emerge from the ship graveyard...-

"They're safe!" she says in relief, Wit sneers "I told you, stupid! Zombies are basically rotting retards!"  He says as he quickly backflipped away before the others notices the shining, bright white thing beside her... "Princess, we didn't see anything.." Gawain informs her in disapointment. Jacob adds "We're gonna split up now an' check every ship out.", Lora replies "Wait... this might sound crazy, but: I do remember them refering to the book as a treasure and that X marks the spot...  I also remember being told that the book wos made of phosphorescence.." the men give her wondering stares until she explains "Glow-in-the-dark material, that they use for toys... That's wot father told me. It's material is shaped into the family-crest: like with the ship's flag... If we wait until it's night, it'll be easier to find...". Gawain notices her voice sounded unsure of what she was about to ask them, and then finished her suggestion "You want us to wait until 8:00 and find the book? Because it'll be easier then...", Jacob and his friends' eyes widened... The paladin sighs "We'll do it: we fought a zombie in there, they're not as terrifying as in the movies... If they were, Neptune would've been over taken by now!" he somewhat laughs. Lora looks up at him as he finished "We'll wait! But we can't let you stay out here all day!", he walks away "Come men, we'll book rooms for 5-hours at most... I'm sure none of us have the money for a entire night.. We'll just bide our time until then!". Jacob cheers "Sounds cool to me! I always wanted to chill in a luxury before I get ripped apart by zombies!" he ran ahead laughing... as Lora watched them in worry... 

Later, that evening... Lora watches them leave the hotel from the outside, all the tourists were in for the night, leaving her and the others to be the only humans still outdoors in the dangerous area... "Wit? Do you think I wos wrong?", the white demon replies from the hotel wall "What dya mean?!". She explains "They're doing this because I suggested they look at night: and it's plain to see they're afraid, even Gawain can't hide it. Maybe we should just wait until tomorrow?", he crawls beside her, being sure not to be seen by the people inside the hotel "No, it'll take longer and ya don't want this to drag out any longer than it needs to be: if the shit was any worse, people couldn't even chill right here. Hell, the animals would be in it before long!". He looks at a orca whale's fin swimming near the beach... "You need to hurry, or everything's gonna be fucked up, soon..." he urges, she looks down at the white demon... his skin somewhat glowed from the soft-light shining from the hotel... "Wit, would you take me to the wreck site? I want to look, too..". The white demon smirks as he looks up "Anything to get you to ride me!" he laughs, then picks up the princess gently and sits her on his shoulders "Hold me, as TIGHT as you can, ho!" he warns. She squeezes around his neck/chin area, being careful not to rest on his horns... Wit then took off across the beach, the sand seemingly only making him faster upon him leaving the grassy area, rather then tripping him up! He easily gets across the water bridge, without slipping once... Lora awes at the fact that a trip that took a good 10-20 minutes, being done in less than one. Wit slides to a stop and gently places her down... She looks at the row of ships... "They have to be searching the 5 individually, it's safe to assume they didn't check the first again..." she thought out loud, Wit crawls in front of her "They wouldn't double-check the place??" he asks. She explains "It IS dimly-lit in the wreck, they might've figured they would've saw the glow-in-the-dark book before, and decided to look in the others..". The white demon then suggested "Then we'll check the one they already been in, so I won't get seen!", they suddenly hear a loud collection of moans.

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