Earthbound: Return to Caillte

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                          -Lora sighs within herself as her parents question the instruction...-

She didn't want to lie, but... Noella said that she only wanted her and Wit to come. If she doesn't help them, the Earth's in trouble.. Even telling her parents about this, could lead to confusion more so, as it would've with the paladins: Stryx said they were knocked down because some didn't have pure intentions, similar to her parents.. Even if they went anyway, Noella said they couldn't get into heaven, and it's needed to even contact God. She had no choice but to practice the lie while on the plane, and keep her mind on it up until now.. even if there was any mistakes in what she said, the story should be close enough to match what she lied to the paladins and no one would attempt to stop her from going.. Earnest then broke her thought "Dear, are you SURE about this??" he asks. Lora replies "Yes, I must go alone: no paladins, no bodyguards.. or the angel would would take it as a sign of disbelief and won't help us anymore..", Olivera winces slightly at her daughters obviously red and puffy eyes... then turns toward her husband "Earnest, I'm not sure everything's okay... " she whispered... "...she looks really upset: I don't want her going anywhere alone again, especially after she just come back from someplace we haven't even been to! Wot exactly happened up there!!?". Earnest turns toward her and replies slightly-above a whisper: "But Lora's the one who did all this herself... granted with bodyguards, but everything she said to them and us wos true and thought out; even if she looks like this... we... we have to trust everything's alright..". He turns back towards his daughter "We understand.. but will you rest first? Or is this too urgent?", Lora replies "I could rest.. but.." she starts feel dizzy.. "I'm going first thing in the morning..". She suddenly shook her head and leaves to her room..

There, she went to sleep immediately: skipping bathing first for fear she'd fall asleep in the tub.. But the next morning, she cleans up, eats and prepares to leave as normal.. This time, she wears her castle dress as she needed to make no connections to nor mend relationships  with the people she'd see, the princess walks towards the foyer... most of the castle was still strangely emptied... until she gets outside: Earnest and Olivera were waiting for her there.. "Lora, we're only here to see you off.. please be careful.." the king says.. the queen adds "Yes, whatever you have to do there, come back safely; me and your father love you dearly in spite of everything.". Lora replies as she smiles "I love you both, too... I understand that this wos at first maybe done out of anger.. but I enjoyed doing this..", Earnest agreed "Yes.. it was of anger at first, but.. after seeing how well you were doing: despite my many previous doubts, I honestly believe you can do this: make  us even more proud.". Lora smiles warmly at him, too.. and walks to the kingdom-gates... 

The citizens all watch her in either excitement and awe, or fearfully: news of how stressed and scared she seemed last-night, had spread quickly... what  made her upset and where was she going by herself was a disturbing thing for most... But upon seeing the princess happily waving at them, people started to cheer up and put faith in her that everything was okay... Lora then exists Castiel.. and steps toward Caillte...

Her smile vanishes as she  rememers that not only hyperborea was in trouble, but Earth itself. Wether or not there's a Almighty Being watching it... humans would destroy themselves. God is the only chance they have at saving the damned planet... Noella suddenly appears in a burst of dark-light!!! "You did it!" she cheered with a smirk "Now we just head to Caillte without any more junk happenin', right??". Lora sighs...

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