Tomb Raiders: 2

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-Lora pokes her head out of the palanquin to see Bael laughing at a imploded cactus!-

Some of the paladins laughed too... "Oh shit, watch out, Beal!!!" Max yells and fires a icy-spell at another sneaking up at the group! The cold air refreshed them: the paladins and wizards... But causes the cactus to crack and split into pieces. Beltane laughs "Thanks, I can never guess which one can move and junk!!!", her brother laughs too "They have eyes like jack-o-lanterns!". She suddenly giggled "Like ... THAT ONE!!!" she shoots a cactus-monster from far away, it implodes into chunks and blood splatters everywhere in that area. "Yeah, like that!" Max laughs, the witch gleefully adds "This is so much more fun than I thought it'll be! And easy, too: only the dumb cactus ones are coming!". Lancelot smugly laughs "Because they're afraid of us!", the wizards giggle and laugh until he adds "Alright, what's up? Yall're WAY to comfortable with this!". Beltane explains, trying to keep from laughing "We see all kinds of stuff all the time in our studies! Besides: they're just plants, not people!". Lora sighs as she sticks her head back in the palanquin, the air inside was just cool enough to keep one from feeling faint... It also helped that Max's magic gave off cool air and that Beltane casts far away from the group. The princess starts to drift to sleep "N, no.. n... I can't fall asleep, it'll be so embarrassing if I did and THEY'VE been traveling on foot the whole time..." she thought... But another explosion followed by excited laughter woke her back up..

Wit meanwhile, follows from afar... causing many creatures stray away from the demon's-aura... He then crawls atop a palm-tree, and hangs from the top: bending it... and flings himself onto the Palaquin. The white demon changes his center of gravity to land softly atop it and crawls inside, while the paladins laughed and talked with the wizards.. Lora notices the ominous feeling and turns to see Wit inside, she gasps quietly and asks "How could you even sneak in?". The white demon replies "Because of those kids: ironically this would be bad, but it's great that I'm here scarin' the monsters away!!" he proudly finishes. Lora then asks "Wot about the Cacto-lanterns?", Wit laughs "Fun name! But... The reason they don't run is because plants are... plants. They're mindsets are a little more affective than a human in vegetation. They can't notice me!". She tilts her head "Ah... make sense, I guess... They don't have brains, essentially?", he replies "Yeah... Oh shit!" Wit quickly says, Lora wonders until the white demon then says "We're here!", and leaps away.. Lora turns to see them nearing the Agate Tomb.

Lancelot looks inside the Palanquin "We're here, princess! Do you wanna wait out here, or come inside?", she quickly replies "I want to see inside: To tell you the truth, I felt somewhat foolish setting in there...". he laughs as they set her down "But ya hafta be safe: you're literally the future of Castiel!". Lora stops in shock...  if anything did happen to her: it would be horrific for the kingdom... But then sighs, and shook off the foreboding feeling "That's why I'm glad you're all here!" she smiles warmly after walking ahead and turning back towards her guards "Despite our venture not being complete yet: Thank you all!".

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