Augite's problems

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          -The white demon finishes watching civilians, and heads to the throne room window...-

His white face's sweating profusely, and his cheeks slightly red... "Hot damn... that was great! I hope I didn't miss any important shit!" the demon thought, still thinking back on his watchng lovers within the building just a few minutes ago. He then notices the other people standing in the room with the Young Sultan.

"The Sultan: Don Baba stands at 5'7 and is somewhat pale, as compared to the other tanned people in the sandy city, he has long Medium Purple locks, that reaches his shoulders, while the hair atop his head somewhat looks like a horn protruding from his skull. His ebony eyes and muscular, pale body gives off a strange vibe. This is only made worse with the bags under his eyes (from working all-nighters) and his royal clothing: the tattered jeans, opened blue vest with a popped collar. only adds to his uncomfortable look. His voice's unnaturally deep, but with a "

To Don's right is a rottweiler...

"The dog's 5 ft tall on all fours, and has unnatural, HTML purple colored fur. It has a beige stomach and white paw fur though, all it's other features seem normal, except it's blue, human eyes..."

To Don's left, is his bodyguard

Unlike in Castiel, the high-captain of the royal Guard: Odin, is always by the current sultan's side. Standing at 6ft, he seems to fill out his completely black armor, which is complete with horns and a long purple cape, he also has a long, almost spear-like blade in the sheath on his side... Underneath this though, demons can see he looks like every other Augition: a tanned man but with a huge, muscular build and long  midnight hair. He also seems to have a single red eye..."

And in front of Don, is his mother...

"Poison Baba is a middle aged woman who is 5'6, and looks much younger than her actual age. Like many of the women in Augite, she wears a hijab and a see-through veil over her mouth. Despite her  large nose, she looks like a supermodel, with her ebony eyes, moppy, black hair and great figure, but something other than only her nasty personality makes only the desperate or her late-husband find her attractive..."

Poison angrily finishes her rant towards her son, in front of everyone there.. "...that's why you have no choice, son! You WILL complete the trial, it's in your blood!" her high, nasaly voice echoes through the dark room. Don sighs... then looks away "Mom..." he utters "I have no interest in this: my enemies aren't my father's, it seems wrong to attack people who do not even know my name.", his mother yells back "They ARE your enemies, that disgusting Earnest killed your father, and despite what you feel, you WILL fulfill your trial, become the next Sultan and destroy the kingdom of Castiel!" she stomps out of the throne room... Don looks at Odin, his guard stares back into his disappointed eyes... "Odin, do you think I should do this? I often question if I'm unsympathetic to this because I was so young when it happened...". The guard replied "My liege, do what your heart says: If you feel anger for what has happened, then express it on the kingdom. Otherwise, you should ignore your mother's orders, for you are the official ruler: not her.". He then turns away from Don... "As for my personal opinion, the previous Sultan performed many inhumane actions, which I shudder to even say aloud. Karma has simply caught up to him, despite my previous fondness of the previous sultan, I can not say I agree with what he has done. I believe you should simply forget the man and be a kinder ruler and friend to yours and other nations.".. The White demon laughs... "This'll be fucked up, Castiel's probably gonna come askin' for help, and these freaks might turn around and attack them!". He climbs down the palace walls "One more kingdom, one that no man remembers, 'cept for the older generations of Castiel...".

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