Tomb Raiders: 4

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                             -The group quickly creeps through the stinking, dark hallways...-

Calan then warns "Wait... it's the mummies... becareful!", Beltane steps back "M, m, m, mummies?!" she asks fearfully. The mystical-wizard explains as he turns toward her "Yeah, for some reason: they reanimate occasionally... but now I can safely blame it on the Magical-karma.. there's alot more alive in here now... I can feel them!", he turns back around as they go forward... Suddenly, the group stops as they suddenly see a limping human-figure in the dark hallway... Beltane use what little mana she has left to make a small flame to see... This shows the cadaver dragging itself towards them, bandages can be seen haphazardly wrapped around it's body, covering some parts while others can be seen poking through. The dead-eyes look as if something was in them... but certainly not a human soul.

Calan aims at the mummy and fires off a gale strong enough tear it to pieces... "There... don't worry: it looks scary, but the only thing holding it together are the wraps, we can get through this!" he assures them and ran ahead. The others follow, as the mystical-wizard heads directly to the Sultans' tomb...

Until he sees a group of Cambion playing in a crossroads-like path, the demons look like human children at first glance... but one could quickly notice their stolen, tattered, bloody-clothes, small horns, pointed ears and their eyes which don't even catch the light in them: even in daylight, they stay black and utterly dark... They immediately notice the group and focus their icy, soulless stares on them... Calan warns the group "Stay back... they're the children of demons... or so the legends say...". Lora gasps upon hearing this and looks up to see Wit crawling backwards on the ceiling: he wasn't seen easily, especially in the dark area with many distractions. But she could easily find the white demon and the sense of foreboding in his eyes, it was strange as they're barely able to fight, but... Wit was disturbed at their appearance... Lora looks back down at the cambions as they hissed and crawled closer, some taking a slight hop every few steps, some walking upright... "Um... it's not true, right?" she asks. The mystical-wizard replies "It can't be..." he casts a spell that causes a small lightning storm indoors, which immediately electrocutes and kills them.. Lancelot adds "Yeah, the kid's right! If demons were real, then somethin' that weak shouldn't of did shite to it, right wizard-guy?" he looks at Ygg... The mystical-wizard replies "Yes... you can ward demons off, but this wouldn't be possible..". The group goes forward... deeper into the reeking, dark tomb..

The group got closer to the sultans' tomb, with Calan easily destroying any mummies and cambions in his path, though the sight of something that looked like human-children being killed disturbed Lora. But she forced herself to overlook this fact, as they grew closer... when she notices a glimpse of a heiroglyphic on the wall.. she stops for a second to try seeing it better, but planned on catching up quickly... Beltane notices her and and stands by her side "What is it, princess??!" she asks, hoping she didn't see something worse sneaking behind them. Lora turns toward her "Nothing... it's just... our family has a guardian-dragon that... as of right now, may not be doing well...", Beltane's expression changed from a adrenaline-fueled game-face to a caring one as the princess continues "Um... you could probably imagine: I'm curious about dragons in general, so this caught my eye..". The witch looks at the hieroglyph and says "Ah... I can read this!", Lora listens excitedly as Beltane reads: "Fafnir's abode...". The princess turns toward her "That means Fafnir's in here?!", the witch giggled "Yeah, of course! He must be down that hallway!".

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