Cees's transformation: 2

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                                            -The king quickly stops chuckling and adds...-

"This figure appeared in the Agate Tomb and here, and only when something's wrong, correct?"... Lora replies "Yes... it's strange... she'd help Lyra, but not Cees...". Earnest smiles "Maybe her power's limited? In any case, I'm somewhat glad to hear this, IF she is like a guardian: I welcome her assistance.", he then adds "As for now: this marks the last kingdom needed to save Hyperborea, a feast is in order!". Lora smiles happily as does Olivera, the king looks at Wit... he's been strangely distracted/quiet for most of the trip... "And you're invited, Cees! I'm sorry for doubting your abilities..." the king added, the white demon looks up saying: "Oh yeah... it's fine! Everything worked out...". He rubs his stomach... Earnest shrugs, figuring the warrior was more so hungry than proud of what he did... But, Wit could feel his insides changing and slight pain in his head and tailbone... "I'm turning back!" he thought... his stomach also churned, too!"

Back in Castiel castle! The royal family's return was celebrated heavily and a feast was thrown in the castle! All the kingsmen, his wife and daughter were seated in the banquet hall! Wit, too was seated near the other end... The servants came in with many different foods and wines! Everybody starts eating as soon as the everything was set... Lora happily smiled at the many paladins seated there, as well as the  captain himself.  Frieda was there, too... but far less excited than the others. Lora then turns toward Wit "This is so exciting, I haven't seen everybody together since I wos..." she starts, then notices him holding his stomach "Wot's wrong?" she asked. The white demon replies "I... think I'm changin' back!"  in a loud whisper... Lora's eyes widened "Wot?? But... we.." she starts, Wit yells in a whisper "We took too long... and that injury probably fucked up the potion!". She then asks once more "Are you sure it's that? And not something you ate?", he explains "I don't eat much, I barely ate even when I turned into this! ...Well, maybe I had a few sandwiches and junk... but not much else...". Lora then thought... then remembers "Did you ever go to the restroom?", Wit replied... "No... I'm not used to that! Even if I did, I know I'm changing back NOW...". The princess then realized "I thought it wouldn't of been painful: it wosn't before, right? Maybe that pain's only nature's call and you turning back happening at the same time?", the white demon almost replies when Earnest suddenly asks "Cees! You haven't touched your food, are you okay?". Wit explains "Your majesty, I... think I need to shi...", some people gasp at what he almost said... Earnest laughs "Are you sure you won't try anything at all?". The white demons eyes widened "N, no... I hafta do it, now!" he yells, then leaps up and ran quickly... Lora stands too! "What's wrong dear?" Earnest asked... She replies "Um... it could be worse than what he said.. He ate some forest-mushrooms, too... I'll be back...". as she follows him.. Earnest shrugs... "I hope he'll be okay..." he says...

Meanwhile, Wit ran to a wall in the Castletown! Nobody sees as the man quickly climbs up the wall and growls as sulfur sprays from his eyes, nose and mouth!! His horns quickly shot out from inside his scalp and his black talons stretched from his hands!!!   Lora came in time to smell a faint hint of sulfur and  brimstone... then looks up to see Wit in his original body... he's crouched over as he was before, resembling a gargoyle planted onto the castletown wall... He stood again and looked at his hands and arms... he stares at his feet, too... then looks over his shoulder... "Awesome... I'm baaa-aack..." he says sarcastically. Lora looks up at him, the moonlight shines over his bright-white skin...  Wit turns toward her with a relieved look on his face...

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