Campe: the Copper Dragon

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                                    -The paladin stands at attention and saluted.-

"Herbert sir! Campe has came down from the very top! She seems to be angry!", the old man replies "Then we shall go now, it's now or never! Remember, try to sedate the beast, first!". They rush pass the princess... she looks up in awe "Wait, you weren't planning on killing it outright?", Herbert turns back towards her "Of course not princess, I KNOW she is important! Killing was a last option, but I never got to fully explain this to you... now...". He turns away "We have mana to collect!" he charged outside behind the Paladins. Lora follows as they made their way to a rock bridge-like structure, leading to the actual peak of Copper mountain. There, Campe had landed and was roaring fiercely at the small group of paladins holding their spears and swords at her! Herbert stood behind them "Keep her back: The spell's ready, but one needs to be close enough to extract the mana. Make sure she doesn't attack until I have enough magic to launch it!". The paladin step closer slowly, hoping to scare the dragon: but she never stepped back as she screams and roars!

Lora stares at the huge dragon as it constantly roared and shook her huge head...

"Campe 10'ft tall, copper-colored dragon, which would be 27ft on her hind legs. The squat-beast had antler shaped horns atop her head and legs like a bear or lion's which were covered in dragon scales... the copper-color faded to bronze as it reached her scorpion tail and the needle had poison dripping out of it with every louder roar, she also has black sickle shaped nails... Camp's eyes though, are a beautiful aventurine-shade, and seemed like looking into gorgeous human-woman's eyes: the soft, dewy look could almost lull one to sleep, even while she was rampaging. The ground around her was cracked and slushy,  due to her breathing fire every 6th roar."

Campe continued to roar and stomp the ground, until Earnest showed up with Corsican closely behind!

Lora notices her father behind her "Father!?" she exclaims in shock... He never looks her way as he says "I know, we'll talk about this later. Right now, we must lull the dragon!", Herbert looks at him "Your majesty, if I had time to ready the spell, it would already be done. But this constant noise is making it hard to finish...". The king then steps forward "Then I shall use my magic to calm the beast, if it does not work: Then step in, soldiers!", the paladins and captain prepare their blades as Lora watched in fear... Meanwhile, Wit watches from atop the cabin.. "Shit, they aren't gonna fight the thing! It's gonna be dancing and some prissy jumping around before they attack...". The white demon leaps off the cabin and into the 4'ft tall snow... "I guess I'll keep chasing bunnies and shit, that's still fun!". Wit crawls in the snow, unseen by everybody there...

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