Summit: 2

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                                             -Lora stares at the floor angrily, as they spoke...-

"I... I can't believe it... I wos stupid to think this wos something that couldn't be helped at all... I mean... it never once occurred to me that it's COMPLETELY our fault!" she says angrily, yet low... Olimpia turns toward her with a small-smile "I thought you knew... I would have told you if I knew you didn't...", Lora sighs and relaxes some as the Governor explains "I've been researching this too: It's directly caused every time people cause a significant amount of damage to the Earth, the animals, monsters... every creature starts to rebel against us... And the reset would make them forget, but... it seems Hyperborea has went too far, too.. ...I'm trying to help fix it though...". Lora looks up at her as Olimpia explains "I don't know if you've noticed: but projects have started for cleaning the ocean floor around Neptune... Things should be at least a little better, there...", the princess gives a sad-smile "At least a few people care..." She was suddenly frightened by her dad suddenly calling out: "Ms Olimpia, is there a temple in Neptune? Would you know?", the governor smiles "Yes... well, there's records saying that a Athena temple under one of our ports: it's in ruins under the sea now... our palace also used to be a Poseidon Temple, but... the area's too populated to have a runway there...". Herbert smiles... "The Athena temple would be perfect! We needn't be directly on the temple: from what I have reached on the god's abode, we should be able to reach it by being near the area!", the king starts to look confident too... "Yes... we're getting somewhere, then: is there a pilot who can take off there? Shall we get one of ours, or?". Olimpia replies "Earnest, I believe the princess will be the on to go, her... and whoever's flying AND her bodyguards. So my opinion is for a non-commercial, small aircraft, it would be difficult for a normal plane to take-off from their...", everybody turns toward her as she finishes "I also have a idea for the pilot: Craig is a excellent pilot and engineer, I haven't heard from him in a while: but I never heard anything bad about his business. He should be able to undertake this task.". Earnest confidently smiles upon hearing this... "Then, on the morrow: our ambassador and princess will go to Neptune, and eventually Eden... I conclude that the summit wilt be postponed for now. Until further notice."...

Everyone makes plans for what they'll do the next day, meanwhile: Lora heads to her room after the summit ends. She wants to go, everybody knew this... but... the fact that she knew it's all for being able to continue to destroy... she now felt this was wrong and the point in the ventures was gone... The princess sat on her bed, after bathing: she couldn't go to sleep, not when she is this conflicted over what's happening...

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