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-Wit, Lora and Noella looks around the control room..-

They watch as the one screen stretches out horizontally into a windshield: one can see the ark's quickly passing through the mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere... they enter space and the milkyway can be seen; as well as billions of stars, moons and planets surrounding them... a light suddenly shines over the ark!!! Lora looks up quickly "Is that..." she starts.. Noella replies "Yeah, Archeus: the bond between physical and spiritual. Like with demons and Engels, except this' completely intangible! Hold on to somethin'!" her explanation turns into a warning: as the light reveals to be coming from between two open doors!! Light, flames and aether engulfs the ark as it speeds up to heaven, the princess holds a chair as the ark shook violently... She then asks "A, alright... We'll be th, there a,after this??", Noella replies "In a few seconds: it's alot faster than if we went there normally: the doors are gonna act like one of those sci-fi shows space ships, that has wormholes that shoots ya through hyperspace and junk! You'll see, it's gonna be so cool!", Wit looks up "Yeah, Like that show.. Star thing.. I forget.  This' fuckin' awesome!." he says as he notices the shooting stars and supernova around them.. everything then sped up!!!! Lora holds the chair tighter as Wit grips his talons onto the carpet!! Only Noella seems to be unfazed by the sudden-speed, it felt as if they're in a elevator that's going out of control!!

Lora looks through the window: it's easy to see many galaxies of every shape and size being passed as the arc sped faster and faster through space... Wit too, notices many places he didn't think were real or even know existed... Until they suddenly hit into divine-light!!! Lora felt her body get extremely light.. No, not like losing gravity... like the little weight and effort it took for her to move her own body: is gone!!! Wit feels it, too... he no longer is metaphysical.. similar to Lora no longer being physical... They stare at each other and notice their eyes are somewhat glowing... similar to how Noella and Yahwen's do..

Wit's heart beats faster: this was incredibly different than anything he felt before: the fact that he's a demon going to heaven was sinking inside his soul and scared him... though, he's optimitic that it'll go well, similar to how he thought when he escaped the depths of hell and came to earth only a few weeks ago.. Lora too, was scared of what was going to happen: she knew the reason why many she knows couldn't accompany her, if their heart and minds weren't right, something horrific could happen to them! Admittedly, she had some doubts on if they would make it, so she's deeply afraid of how she'd be seen and treated upon reaching Heaven..

The ark suddenly slows and stops upon coming above the clouds and light... Archeus closes behind them.. as they exit it.. The ark then hovers just over a lush, emerald-green field of grass... Noella then smiles happily "Alright, we're here! Everybody geeeeet out!!!" she says, she happily leaves the control-room as the couple follows, they both are trying to get used to the weightlessness of walking in heaven...

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