Dragon's Children

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                                           -Lora looks down inside the iced-volcanic crater...-

Inside, a nest was built. Campe was unconscious in it, while her small more-so dragon-looking children were beaten and bloody. Lora steps back in horror, Wit hears her softly gasp and looks up "Shut the fuck up, they'll hear you!" he quietly tries to warn her. But the princess slipped out a "How could you!?", Wit backflipped off the snowed-edge as the paladins, Corsican, Herbert and Earnest look up. One of the paladins who was standing a little closer to the entrance that lead down into the crater, looks up and quickly walked up beside her "Um, Princess... how did you get all the way here so quickly?!". Lora frowns "That's not the issue! You monsters killed Campe and her babies!", Earnest makes it up the slope as he explains "Herbert merely put her to sleep after we entered her nest: the dragon calmed down by herself once we understood her.." Lora looks up at his serious eyes as he continues "As the paladin has told you: Campe told us that her children were acting strangely, when we got here, they were indeed more violent than her litter normally would be. It was necessary to injure them before they started attempting to destroy the crater. Had they been left alone: the beasts would have cause a avalanche that would've destroyed the mountain path and possibly the mountain's custodian.". Lora gasped, but does not let her anger leave, as she then asks upsettedly "Then this wos the only way?", her father frowns too "Yes, they are to receive medical attention at the castle and be returned home afterwards... but you.." he starts. Then turns away... "Come, we must hurry before dark." Earnest commanded his paladins, their captain and Herbert. Each paladin picks up a bloody, scarred baby and leaves the unconscious Campe alone... The group now easily and quickly makes back down the mountain, as they were all afraid of taking a break and leaving the princess: heir to the kingdom out of Castiel, despite their ability to fight off the creatures. That night, they arrived back at the kingdom: the civilians greeted them happily, but are kept back by the paladins who were told ahead of time about their arrival. Lora kept hidden from the others, out of a strange-sense of embarrassment. She stayed behind Earnest and was also shielded by the paladins, because if word got out how easy it was for a child to escape the castle, then others might get ideas...

Inside Castiel castle's throne room, Earnest sits again by his wife. Corsican has already left with his paladins and only Herbert and Lora stood before the angered ruler... Herbert bows "Your majesty, I have tested the Mana-Crystal to be sure: and yes, nature is turning against us. We must warn our neighboring kingdoms immediately.", Earnest replied "Then go alert Corsican, so we can make plans for this venture: Begone!". Herbert leaves the throne room... The king then concentrates his attention on his daughter "Lora, how could you betray me and disobey my direct order?" he asks in a upset, yet trying-to-stay-calm voice. Olivera adds "Yes, I understand you were upset, but this wos dangerous!", Lora replies "Because I wanted to make sure Campe wos alright! I didn't mean to betray anyone, I only wanted her to be okay!".

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