The orange Demon

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                            -Unfortunately, another demon watches Wit crawl around...-

"Shit, that bitch's face's the same color as the damn snow, how am I suppose to..." he notices Wit's black horns moving below! "Hella yeah! the demon growled. Meanwhile, the white demon crawls towards a bunny until the orange demon slams down, knocking him away! Wit staggers up to see him "Shitfuck..." he curses under his breath... the orange demon laughed "Found ya, punk!!! Ya really thought you could get away, huh? You're just gonna be dragged back down, you're just gonna suffer JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE, you ain't nuthing special! Hahahahahaaha!!!". Wit thought aloud as he stood "Why the hell are you here, Arios?"

"Arios the orange demon stands at 5'5, and has the shape of a humanoid similar to Wit. Except his body looks like that of a body builder, also similar to the white one: is his ebony horns, eyes, claws and talons. The differences are his horns being ram's horns and his nails being shorter than the other's. Further, his tail's much shorter as it's engulfed by his buttocks he also has red-orange hairs that grow from above his forehead and down his back towards his tail. He has a deep voice with a obnoxious tone."

The white demon's question was cruelly answered by the orange demon "Because that's your home! You don't GET TO leave! You're a hell spawn, and that's what you'll always be!", he suddenly charged him! Wit tries to punch, but is knocked away by the slightly faster orange demon! Wit slams into a snow dune and staggers up "Sh, shit... Even if I gotta hit , I probably couldn't hurt 'em that way,  I'll need someway to break that jackass immediately!", Arios suddenly leaps beside him and swung, knocking Wit off the into the depths below and into more shallow snow!!! The white demon struggles to get up, as black blood pours from his mouth "Shit..." he thought, until he's suddenly  kneed away by the orange demon! "Come on, punk!!!! You can't do no better than that!? If I wasn't told ta drag ya back, I coulda killed you by now!" he shouted maniacally. He then leaps to Wit, who dodges the orange demon's attack from the air! The white demon tries to slash him, but Arios quickly swung, knocking him onto path covered in even lighter snow... He coughs as he hears the orange demon yelling from far away! "Awwww, wittle punk gonna puke!?" he makes exaggerated puking noises and then laughs, his high-pitch cackle is in stark contrast to his normally graveled voice "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOUAHAUHUHOHIHUHAHEHEHA!!!". he leaped up the side of the snowy mountain, Wit quickly stands and tries to find the vile orange demon... "Dammit, doesn't this freak get tired?! How am I gonna find him? Wait..." the white demon thought.. then he relaxed himself, hoping to hear the other demon's movement in the snow.. But Arios shouted loudly: making his voice echoes across the peaks surrounding them "Trying to listen to where I am, right? Too bad!!!". Wit realized he was coming and quickly scaled back up the side of the mountain, but Arios starts whistling loudly, keeping his exact location a mystery... until he leaps, and pins the white demon into the snow and starts swinging! Wit could barely keep the oversized demon from hitting his face while Arios laughed "You're weak, you always were, you always will be. I'll always be better than you, you retarded, smelly punk! You better be DAMN glad that I'm workin'!" he cackled! Then he attempts to double fist Wit in the face, but the white demon's tail suddenly tears through his leg, chest and finally his heart!! The orange demon could barely move his dying body as black blood pours quickly out of him.. "Th, this ai, ain't nothin' I, I ain't a punk you..." he barely coughed out... Then dies. The orange thing almost falls on Wit, but he caught and barely slung the heavy corpse to the side... "Damn you, jackass..." the white demon curses, then spits as he staggers up... He walks back towards the main path...

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