A different Look

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-The next morning, the princess cleans up again and prepares for the day...-

She steps out into the courtyard as thoughts about Augite swirl in her head... then she notices Wit sleeping on the wall, he wakes up as if he could sense her too, but quickly drops backwards as Earnest comes up "Good morning, my princess." he greets his daughter. Lise half-smiles "Father, please don't say that: it sounds like you're talking down to me, as if I'm a pet..". He laughs "But you literally are my princess!", he then straightens his face and ask "But I can get serious: Wot are your plans for Augite?". She smiles as she explains "I'm going to spend today looking for the right fighter, then go tomorrow: giving them more time to prepare, instead of going immediately and expecting the person I thought should come; to be able to leave on a moment's notice.", the king seethed "Yes, I heard about Whitebeard's attitude..." he grits his teeth... Lora notices the change in his previously chipper-tone, too. "Father, please don't punish him, he really did have a job to do!", he sighs after hearing this "I guess... but as for you...", his voice got calm again "You'll not only take a fighter of your choosing, but another paladin, too, okay?". Lora smiles warmly "Okay, father. I understand. But you needn't worry so much..." she starts, contemplating on a lie why he didn't need to: if Wit went with her again, no earthly being could actually hurt them... But her thought was broken by a butler requesting for the king "Your majesty, how should dress the ballroom?" he asks, as he bows, Earnest drops his accent and replies "Let me see what you have so far...". They leave, leaving Lora alone... She then looks over the wall as she thought "Time to look for a fighter, I have no doubt that Wit would come too: especially since father forgot to give me a escort this time!".

Lora excitedly exits the castle, no guard stops her as they assume she's out to work and everything else was taken care off... Nobody notices the princess as she quickly slipped into the dark alley-ways, away from the sunlight and others' eyes... "Today, we're looking for another guard." she explains as the ominous feeling quickly surrounded her... Wit crawled down the side of a wall "I know... and this time ya want me to choose them?", the princess replies "I have a idea of wot kinda fighter I want... but, wot did you think?". They head outside the castle-town and into the countryside, which was easily accessible via the town gates. "To tell you the truth: I've been there before, they're so shitty that it probably won't matter. I don't think they'd care!" Wit explains, Lora replies "Then the fighter would simply need to be someone who can easily deal with the creatures there...". She looks towards the sky as she thought aloud "Father's making me bring a paladin, mercenaries would probably get as mad as Gawain did with the pirates: the magic-knights are really proud, from wot I learned.", they stop near a farm as she continues "There's many different types of warriors to choose from, but their mindsets are all too similar... The only differences are the Archers...". Wit replied as he crawls ahead "If we never need to fight a human there.. Probably. But how effective are simple arrows on a monster? Hell, even if they used magic, it probably wouldn't affect them much..", Lora smiles "I now, which is why I settled on Wizards!".

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