The pink Demon

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                                   -Early that night: Lora slept soundly...-

While it's easily possible for Hyperboreans to accomplish feats other human-races can't,  being out for so long took it's toll on her. A book about Augite can be seen on her bedside-table: indicating she attempted to read about the land in hopes of learning how to appeal to the people. The girl slept soundly... until a pink demon swooped in and snatches her out of bed. Lora woke up from the sudden gust of wind and painful,-tight squeezing of a talon around her slender torso. She looks up at the pink demon flying her to the top of the castle tower. The demon lands on a flatter-area on top of the castle and keeps it's talon wrapped tightly around Lora's mouth... "I saw Wit talking to you!" she starts "He's risking getting struck down to keep outta hell! But I know if I use you to get him, I'll be fine: and if Wit can avoid Divine-Punishment THIS long after talking to you, maybe I can have a little snack!", she opens her mouth, preparing to eat off some of her face... When speak of the devil:  Wit climbs over the side of the tower "Capricork!" he gasped from crawling so fast: the white demon was on a castle-town wall, but had saw her from afar and sped there as quickly as he could..

"Capricork the pink demon stands at 5'4, and has the shape of a humanoid similar to her brothers, except of course being female. She also has ebony eyes, horns and talons. The differences being her horns, being goat horns and her finger-nails being buzzard talons  and vulture-talons being at the end of her bird-legs and feet. Further her tail's a fish's, and her black-wings are feathered instead of leathery. These features in and of themselves aren't enough to scare away some people from the thing that looked like a teenage girl with D-cup size breasts, but... her dislocated-mouth's bottom jaw let loose her beak on the end of a writhing, quivering flesh-pink, veiny-tube.. the beak itself opens up slowly, revealing many rows of fangs inside. it squealed in her slightly-high voice and  unconcerned tone."

Both girls were surprised when Lora is suddenly snatched away: via Wit slicing the pink demon's leg and snatching the princess away in one stride. She limped a little, but quickly slapped him with her scaly-tail. Wit fell and almost dropped Lora due to this. Her eyes widen as she started to fall... despite being brave enough not to scream in Capricork's face: almost falling to her death nearly made her do this, until Wit grabs her waist and wraps his other hand around her mouth "Are you trying to get me Divine-punishment?" he jokingly asks. Then quickly runs into a window as Capricork circled to that side of the tower... he placed her down carefully "Don't follow! She'll eat you without a thought!" he warns. Wit then quickly crawls out another window.. Lora can hear the flapping and whip-cracking sounds outside.. She hurries to a window and sees Wit crawling up the side of the castle, with Capricork slapping her short, yet thick, scaly tail at him. Lora gives chase via going up the tower stairs, and looking through windows until she found them again, Wit's facing the pink demon while standing on the wall as a spider.. Every-time Capricork whips , he'll easily dodge... Wit was careful not to make a sudden move and get impaled on her talons.. Lora suddenly notices "W, wait! She's not following through?" she let's slip after seeing Capricork's tail ease up after missing, Wit explains as the pink demon whips at him again "She's tryin' ta catch me...." he dodges "...but she doesn't want to risk divine-punishment either: my brethren and others hafta hold back to not get caught.". The pink demon yells "I don't have to slow up if hook into ya stupid face!!", Wit quickly crawls away as Capricork swoops at him. She then chases him up the side of the tower, Lora follows via running upstairs to the highest point... Then looks out a window to see them disappearing over the top, black blood and mist can be seen spraying everywhere.. a snatching and a squawking/screaming sound can be heard too. The princess: too curious to wait and see, climbs out the window and carefully climbs a few bricks lose from the wall... Lora follows the same path Wit took to get up there, and reaches the same area the two. The sight she sees looks as if Wit was raping her, though he was actually sitting on her back with his claws around her neck, while Capricork was thrashing... but he breaks her neck and quickly stabs his tail through her heart... Black mist sprays from the corpse, as Wit turns toward Lora.. "! Wos she one of your brethren, I mean... your sister?" the princess mistakenly let's slip, (unsure if he felt like talking again..) Wit sadly replies "Yeah... she was my the last one sibling...", he picks the princess up bridal-style to carry her down "It's too bad: pink's my favorite color..." he says as he drops off the tower with her..

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