Assistance from a Alchemist

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                                                 -Seconds later, Lora enters the laboratory...-

The princess excitedly walks through the foyer, and to the main-part of the building: the lab itself, which looks like every other room in the building, save for the many flasks and shelves containing both seemingly records and encyclopedias.. She enters through the arch way and finds a tall alchemist inside, he immediately notices the princess when she  steps insides... "Well, hello!" he greets her with a toothy grin! Lora replies "Hello there, Mr Edmond, right?".

"Edmond Eric stands at 6'1-185.93, the strangely tall alchemist wears light-blue shades to cover his amber eyes, and a long, golden-laced, red-coat that somehow seems bigger than his body. Under this: a black t-shirt and leather pants can be seen, showing his carefree attitude towards what could happen in his dangerous work. Further,  the nearly constantly smiling-scientist has short spiky brown-hair, which seems to have been burned off from experiment mishaps, but... evidence that he's younger than he looks can be seen from his face and the fact that his hair has already started growing back and is twisted into a French-braid in the back. His voice sounds stereotypically as would expect a madscientist to sound, with a relaxed tone."

Edmond smirked "Yes, yes, but call me Eddy! I appreciate you not calling me Mister Eric either!" he cackled, she tilts her head "Um..." she starts: he sounded sarcastic, but he assures her "No really, Eddy's fine! Now what can I do for you!?". Lora then explains with a somewhat excited tone "Um... there's a friend of mine who needs to change his appearance, it's for a ...trip..." she somewhat lies, Edmond laughs "A trip, or a prank? Either way: I'm happy you came straight to me! Alright..." he replied with jovial suspicion, then looks around "Where IS your friend?". Lora explains "He's kind of shy, but... he's here!" she lied, then turns towards the entrance "Um..." she starts.  

Wit crawls off the archway surrounding the lab's entrance, and stands erect behind the corner... then slowly walks through, wearing Lora's: floppy azure cap, red-shirt and blue-jeans... Eddy watched the white demon enter the room and seemed unsuspicious of how he kept his hands up his sleeves and in his pockets, and had the cap nearly covering his entire face... "There you are!" he grinned laughing as he watched Wit come in "Now, what is your name?! I love to keep records of my test-subjects!". Lora gasps softly as Wit replies/lies "Leo?", Edmond shrugs "Alright, I'm not sure why you're asking me, ha!". Wit sneered as the alchemist went to get a flask: Edmond's expression seemed a little suspicious, but this goes unnoticed by the two who were surprised at how easy this was going... The alchemist walks to them with the flask, as Lora stares in awe "Um... you're really helping us so easily?" she asks. He laughs "Of course my dear: I always let my customers have a taste-test first, THEN charge them! You can buy as much as you want, later: but this... this potion outta work for 24 hours!". He hands the flask to Wit, who excitedly snatches it away and drinks it! The white demon drops the flask and coughs...

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