Dark Wizards.

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       -Lancelot returns to the archway, connecting the 2 parts of the Castletown-

He laughed "Everythin's fine, princess! We can get through!" the paladin explains. Beltane and Max immediately ran by him, Lora notices scuff marks and blood on his face... "Lancelot, wot happened?!" she asks in worry. He chuckled as he turns to lead her through the area "I asked someone whassup. And he got mad because I'mma Castielite. So, I set him down for a nap...",  the other paladins laughed too as she asks "Wot!? While I don't like the idea that you knocked someone out: someone really attacked for your asking a question?". The paladin replied "Yeah... I don' know why: we're jus' askin' fer help... I don't know what's ev'rybody's problem.", he walks away.. Lora follows. The group enters the castle town, a single home can be seen it the neighborhood there, as well as a magic-school and a mall. Another district can be seen on the other side of the massive building, but Lancelot lead them/steered far away from the area... seemingly to avoid something worse than what was seen in the area before this... They then get to the tower gates, two knights stood guard, but only snickered at them as they passed through... indicating that they assumed the visitors weren't a threat and weren't worthy of even being stopped and/or  searched.

The group now nears a long bridge, one would assume it's a half a mile long from the length of it. Yet, Lora easily sees a oldman waiting on the otherside..

The oldman notices them, too "Who dares draw nearer unto the Dark Sultan!?!"

"Eugene Steward stands at 5'4 and seems to be in his late 90's, his ebony eyes are focusing in on Mark and seems to be filled in anger at the thought of him even coming there. His white hair was kept neatly in his cap, which resembled a papal tiara, which matches his papal regalia... which is strange considering where he's living and the what he's doing.. His voice is gravely yet shaky, with a superior tone.."

Eugene's cocked, veiny eyes watches the group coming up.. He leered as Lancelot looks up at him "I guess this guy's th' guard dog??!" the paladin asks, Lora looks up at him... "He could be nicer than the people of Neptune were at first?" she asks Lancelot quietly. The paladin leered at  Eugene "I wish he were like that, princess: but considerin' that look in his crossed eyes..", the old wizard glared at him.. ."How dare you come here with such audacity!!! For that, you shall die immediately!", Eugene summons a small, black cloud that surrounds his small, feeble body... he raises his arms again... Lancelot prepares to fight... until Don's deep, voice echoes over them "Eugene: stop this. Let them come up to me.". The old wizard laughs confidently and stepped aside "Heheh, the Sultan himself shall deal with you, fools... This will be the last mistake you ever made!" he warned. Lora stares at him, wondering if a trap was set up... Lancelot though, walks in... the other paladins, Beltane and Max follows, Lora does too... But is unsure as she has no weapon in hand, having forgotten it again. Inside the lobby: the black walls kept the area much darker than it would be normally: only the lights from the unnaturally purple and blue torch fires, illuminate the room. The only other light source is in the center of the room and trickles from the doors and staircases leading out of the room. A wizard approaches the group "The Dark Sultan is waiting for you." he warned... "Step into this light, and you'll be immediately taken to the throne-room."... Lancelot glared at the wizard, who wore a hood so huge: that only his sneaky, red eyes can be seen... The paladins then steps into the light, Beltane and Max follow... Lora looks at the light in fear, she's the only one without magical training: if this was a trap, she'd be the one in the most trouble...

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