Pirate Problems.

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         -The white demon smiles as he listens in on the governer and her family's conversation-

Inside the Ice-Blue palace, was a Uranian-Blue shade on the walls and floors. A mix of silver and platinum-plating covered the pillars and furniture in the posh throne room. There, was it's ruler, and her family... The demon now smirked "There... it looks like it's even worse..." he thought as she yelled at them.

"The Governer: Olimpia Pterophyllum, standing at 5'7ft, has curly, long brown hair and eyes that are blue as the ocean. Her somewhat tan-skin and defensive stance, showed she was no stranger to being out doors and around pirates, despite being born into the palace life. Now, her hair's stuffed inside a large black hat, and she's adorned in blue pirate's clothes, including a popped collar, gold-chains and a sheathe for her epee. She also wears bluejeans and huge boots, to kind of complete her look... Her voice's soft, but her tone's authorative and stern."

The 2 talking to her, are her brother and father....

"Aron ,Pterophyllum standing at 5'8, is almost a mirror image of his sister. With his light-brown hair and similar-blue eyes, one can tell they were siblings, even if they weren't together. He wore a dark-green tuxedo and red tie. His stance and demeanor were more so like a governor than his rougher sister, and his hair was finely combed, resembling any man within the government. His vice is nasally and deep and his tone's resentful."

"Blackbeard(?) Pterophyllum was now shorter than both of his kids, because of his advanced age, the 5'7 old man was named this because of his dark hairs, but now they're fluffy and white, similar to the elusive Santa... So is his body: The man-breasts and potbelly jiggled with every laugh, and quick movement he made. His only clothing's his open blue vest, and tattered pants, which were now functioning as shorts, because of the battles he's been in with them, his brown, laughing eyes are also covered by his thick eyebrows. His voice's gravelly and deep, and his tone's relaxed and jovial."

Olimpia finished expressing her point, while standing a few feet away from her family, as many royal guards and noble-people watched "It's my business if I want go to the Harbor, I'm the Governor: not a shitty advisor like you! If you have a problem, you should do a better job where you are, instead watching everything you THINK I'm doing wrong!" she yelled. She walks by Aron and Blackbeard, both still in shock at the tongue lashing... The palace servants look away, as Aron utters "Dad, what do you think? She CAN'T do this, everything's already bad enough...". He turns toward Blackbeard's direction, and glanced up giving his own father a under-eyed-glare as he continues  "The governor can't do this, it isn't right!". His father laughs in his graveled, deep "Don't worry, son! Remember when you and the otha fancy people, got all upset 'cause the pirates started livin' at tha harbour?! Now everythin's fine: the place's livelier than ever!". Blackbeard then turns to leave down one of the staircases leading into the throne-Room... "Everything'll work itself out!". He gives a loud laugh as he leaves... The White demon snickered at the advisor and the scared nobles... "They're still divided, huh? Forget helpin' save the land, they can't even work together for their own nation!". The demon the crawls away, unseen, undetected and quickly...

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