Zombie attack

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     -They turn to see a small army of zombies stumbling to them!-

Lora gasps softly "They really do come out at night!". Wit crawls forward and laughs "Don't be afraid, pussy! Hell, if ya bought your sword: you coulda did this yourself!" he sneers. She looks around "I guess they made it safely... I only see more zombie parts everywhere..." she says... then gets nauseas from the sight... Wit warns her "Look away if this makes you sick, don't breathe in hard either: They smell so much worse than shit!". He rushes the zombies, they swing randomly, and slowly as he leaps high over one, then swished his pointed tail through them, easily tearing of their heads and stomping them. They turn in his general direction, but Wit too quickly and deftly maneuvers around the undead and tears them to pieces with his tail and claws, dead-man's blood sprays everywhere, causing Lora to turn away, despite worrying about the white demon's safety during his reckless fight... Wit easily stabs through the last zombie and ends it's undead torment... then  jumps in the water, to ensure all the stinking blood and innards floated off his body, piranha and other smaller fish come to eat the dead-flesh that floated off, but tried their hardest not to bite into the demon's skin... Wit crawls up upon the water bridge and shakes off again "See? It's easy!" he happily says. Lora looks at him "I see... you make them look like nothing...", he laughs "I told you, it's easy for you guys, too! Gross as all hell, but easy!". She then tilts her head "I've been meaning to ask you, how DO you do that? I mean... stretch your tail?", Wit proudly elongated it beside him and stood up... "Most of our tails are longer than they look, we can stretch 'em out fast when we need to, too. There's a few off us that're retarded or actually born with short tails, because they're fuckin' animal shape or shit...". She replies "Ah... so that's why..." she stares at his tail that is now a little longer than his body, seemingly... then asks "So it's a normal thing for all demons to have tails? Like for us to have arms and legs?". Wit replies "Yeah, I've only seen a few without them, but if it has a tail, horns and wings: it's a demon, you don't see anything like this normally, right? ...Except dragons!". Lora then reminds the white demon, as his tail suddenly retracts back into place "True.. But now, let's hurry and see if we can find their book!", Wit smirks "After you!" he replies. She walks besides the demon, who crawls after her.. then they both climb into the wreckage of the first ship the others searched...

They walked through the wreck, looking at the items that were left over, searching for a glowing object... Lora searches over the leftovers objects on the shelves and floor "They must've left everything that wos frivolous back then... There's alot of expensive looking stuff here.", Wit replies as he carefully crawls beside her "That's what the others were probably thinkin'... then again, they're probably not here because they see that they left this much here, and figure that they wouldn't of left the book here if they wanted it.". The princess adds "True. I have to believe they either didn't see the book here, or they overlooked it because it wosn't glowin... Look!", she suddenly points at a glowing X.

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