false wish + j.j.k

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This just randomly came in my mind.


"Hey it's jungkook, by now I'm busy. Just message me"

You let out a long sigh of frustration. Even this 6th call and he hasn't answer the phone that you've been wasting your time on for the past hours by dialing his number and receiving nothing in return.

You just wanted to spend your time with your boyfriend. What's wrong with that?

"Hey kookie it's y/n. Are you free? You can come at my dorm today. Hyun jung is going out today actually- and I'm lonely"

You recorded your voicemail and sent it to him waiting for a reply you knew you won't get back. What's the point of waiting- if nothing comes back in return?

All you wanted is for him to love you back. And yet- he did not love you an ounce. You've always known you were just someone he uses to get his ex girlfriend jealous. It's skeptical and cliché- but you hated your self that even if you already knew, you acted dumb and go with the flow.

"Are you still waiting for his reply?"

Hyun jung who just got out of the shower with her sarcastic voice. She always hated it when you acted dumb even if you knew you're breaking apart. She cared for you and knew you couldn't handle these such situations.

"Come on y/n! Loosen up! He's a douche and there's so many more guys waiting for you!"

You rested you head on the counter along with your thoughts about hyun jung's words.

"I really love him. You know i can't."

You do. Really do. Even if he leaves you alone and ignores you infront of every people, even if he humiliates you in class. Even if he hangs out with his ex more. Even when he doesn't treat you like his girlfriend,

You would still come running back to him.

"How about seokjin?"

"What about him?"

"He likes you. And he's better at treating you well. He's perfect for you y/n. I want you to be with someone who you will be happy with. And as your bestfriend- i think jin is perfect."

Jin. Kim Seokjin. You two met last year and you already knew he's very nice. Girls loathe you by just talking to him same for jungkook. But you didn't know Jin will like a person like you.

Wouldn't he get bored of you like jungkook did? Wouldn't he loathe you for your simple mistakes?

And then you stopped your thoughts. This is jin, not jungkook. Man, college life is tough.


"Hey kookie it's y/n. Are you free? You can come at my dorm today. Hyun jung is going out today actually- and I'm lonely."

He turned off his phone focusing at the girl beside him. He thought she looked so beautiful with her long brown hair. Her eyes that looked at him deeply. And her smile that made him flustered everytime.

"Aren't you going to answer that kook? Y/n must be worried."

Hyemin whose voice just made jungkook fell for her more, kindly asked the man infront of her who she didn't think wanted to hold he up until now. It was weird hanging out with your ex.

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