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Birthplace and humble home for one of best heroes and one of the fastest human beings, Dean Ambrose.

That being said, Dean was currently dodging middle blasts from a large robot created by none other than the evil authority figure Baron Corbin. And as always, Baron was having a hard time getting his hands on him.

"Ugghh, curse you Ambrose!" He shouted in frustration. "You better sit still long enough so I can blast you!"

"Haha nope!" Dean laughed, making light of the dangerous situation he currently gotten himself in. "Not going to happen Baron! I'm never in one spot for too long!" He shouted cockily as always, running back and forth alongside the streets of Cincinnati, leaving a baby blue streak just like the glow in his eyes just to prove his point.

And with that he approached the robot, the name on the robot this time being called The Extermination.

Well, needless to say, The Extermination was going down as Dean leapt into a nearby building for a few short moments and stuck out and gave out the middle finger, right before Baron began to shower the damn sky with bullets.

Luckily for Dean, everyone was out of harm's way, including his friends who cheered from the sidelines.

"Go Deano baby boy!!" A black haired girl by the name of Nikki Bella or as she calls herself the self- proclaimed girlfriend squealed.

"Let's go Dean!" Came the cheerful shout of a dark haired girl, Bayley, the younger sister of Dean.

"Be careful!" A platinum blonde by the name of Dolph Ziggler called out with his devoted furry friend Pancake, a orange kitten, sitting atop his head, agreed with him as well.

A few others stood by as well, such as Kevin Owens, Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks. They were the more hardcore ones of the group. So they just watched the action in silence, giving their opinion only in their heads.

Dean swiftly dodged the storm of ammunition. Apparently the authority figure saw that wasn't going to work, so he decided to land on the ground with his little seat he always sits on a machine.

A hatch opened and five missiles shot towards the dirty blonde hero. Apparently Baron had book sense and not common sense and pretty much was an idiot to think that was going to work, because Dean easily dodged the slow moving projectiles and used the opening to leap up, and punched-kicked himself into the cockpit of the robot.

His body could easily take the slamming without pain nor harm thanks to the protection shield he has on himself. In fact, he slammed into the cockpit so hard that the top shattered, leaving for a vulnerable spot. One more attack like that would do it as he leaped back ready to take another aim.

Then Baron out of desperation, tried to fire the robot's lasers at him, which, once again, missed the hero so easily.

Yep, what an idiot he was.

That gave Dean the opening he needed to take that final shot, using his homing attack and slammed into the robot, completely knocking it over in a shower of sparks. He leapt back, starting at the mess.

"Better luck next time, kiss my ass Corbin." He laughed, turning around and childishly took off his pants and shook his ass in the air.

Baron was furious, but took this as an opportunity to make his escape, activating his rocket launcher and launched into the air. "This is not over Ambrose! I will have my revenge, you have not seen the last of The Great Baron Corbin!!"

And just like that, he disappeared into the sky.

Dean smirked and gave out the peace sign to the nearest cameraman letting the people of Cincinnati know that he was once again the winner of the battle. Everyone cheered and celebrated as his friends came.

And of course, Nikki glomped his ass.

"Oh, my Darling Dean! I was so worried!" She cried, wrapping her arms around his neck like a boa constricter.

"A-Ack Nikki! C-Can't breathe here." He managed to choke out. Thankfully Kevin managed to pry her off. Dean gasped for air like a fish out of water.

"Not bad, Ambrose!" He smirked once he regained his composure.

"Thanks Kev." He laughed, his voice a little hoarse as he rubbed the abused area.

"You were awesome out there Dean." Bayley piped up.

"All in a days work sis." He laughed, ruffling the girl's hair.

"Seems like we need to celebrate." Charlotte commented with her hands on her hips.

"I agree." Sasha answered.

"Well, I know the perfect way to celebrate." Dean grinned. "Last one to the nearest TJ Chumps has to pay my bill!"

And in a blink of an eye, all that was left was a streak of baby blue.

"No fair! We always have to pay!" Nikki shouted as they all took off after him.

Little did they know, they were being watched by three pairs of eyes hidden in the shadows.

"Was that him?" A male asked, his eyes looking at the direction group went with from behind his face mask.

"Of course." A short female answered. Her eyes gazing in the same direction. She adjusted the black shades that she wore and added. "The King said we would notice him immediately. That's got to be him."

"So what do we do now?" He asked.

"I'll tell you what we're going to do." Answered the third voice. He ventured out of the darker part of the shadows, his eyes blue as he put his hood back on. "We report this back to the king and then wait. We make our move tonight."

"Good!" The other male sighed in relief. "Let's get out of here. I can't take any more of the sun. I can't see how these creatures of the day can put up with it, it's killing me!"

"If we stay any longer, you know it would." The short girl laughed.

"Alright, that's enough you two." The slightly older male snapped. "We've kept the king waiting long enough as it is. You two can have your fun tonight."

"Excellent." The other two smirked  evilly, showing off their sharp fangs as their eyes glowed. Their pupils being black slits just like the other male. They all stalked further into the shadows and back to base to await their further instructions.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now