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By the time the sun started to go down, all the rides had been ridden, all the food had been tested at least eight times because Dean was a bottomless pit, and all the carnival style games had been played. Seth looked over at his wife and saw that he was truly enjoying himself. 

Whenever Dean laughed or smiled, it made Seth only love him more.

The Alpha King gazed up into the night sky, up at the stars, and smiled when he heard a yawn.

"Are you ready to go, love?" He asked, looking at his mate rub his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess so." Dean chuckled, getting a little sleepy.

"You know, if you were in your other form, you wouldn't be sleepy." Seth pointed out.

"Is that so?" He asked as Randy came over to join them.

"Yeah." He jumped in. "We're creatures of the night, remember?"

"Yeah, I forgot." He laughed sheepishly. "I guess there's still a lot that I need to learn."

"Which is why I need to talk to you in private once we're back home." Seth pointed out to his mate as Renee and Sami showed up, Sami sneaking a piece of Renee's cotton candy when she wasn't looking.

Dean blinked. "Um... Okay."

"Oh, I truly did enjoy myself today!!" Renee sighed with content. "Thank you, Seth!!" She said, giving the king a hug and friendly peck on the cheek.

"Heh, you're welcome Nee." He chuckled.

"Yeah, this day would've been perfect if Dean's wannabe friends hadn't spoiled it in the beginning." Randy stated.

"Randy shut up!" Sami whispered. "We're trying to get Dean's mind off of them, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Randy rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry boss."

"It's alright, Randy." Dean chuckled as they all mounted their bikes, and of course he didn't forget his teddy bear, placing it in his small backpack he got for safe keeping.

"I see that humans happily accepted me before my own friends did. Plenty of people, well girls in particular, asked for tons of pictures of me and Seth together."

"Yeah, and all those lights nearly blinded me." Seth mumbled.

"Aww, da poor baby." Dean pouted, wrapping his arms around his mate and nuzzling into his the side of his neck, purring as he seductively whispered. "I'll make it up to you on your birthday, okay love?"

Seth blushed and Randy and the others laughed like crazy as they started their engines and drove off.

They stopped back by Dean's home so that he could lock his door, since he'll be spending the night at the palace. When he walked up to the door, however, he saw a note was taped to it.

He tilted his head questioningly before taking it in his hand and reading it.

Hey Dean, I'm sorry for what happened today and we are hope to make it up to you. If they are willing, we'll try our best to get along with Seth and his friends as long as it makes you happy... Hope that we can talk things out later on. We have no idea where Nikki went, but we hope she's alright with your... Orientation. Congratulations on your marriage, btw.

Love your lil sis, Bayley.

Dean smiled and quietly said to himself. "Thanks, sis."

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now