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When Seth broke the news all hell was let loose. Chaos reigned supreme in the room. 

Dean went pale and started to fidget and laugh nervously, making Seth nervous as well. Seth was certainly worried sick about his mate now. The younger male had collapsed on the floor and seemed to be in a trance, repeating incessantly, as a mantra: "No, no, no." 

Seth ran to his side but he didn't know what to do to comfort him. He knelt in front of his wife.

"Dean, calm down, please." But Dean didn't seem to hear him. The brunette sighed and caressed softly the younger male's cheek.

"Look at me, Dean." He said cupping his chin. "Stop it. You're stronger than this."

Dean seemed to get out of his stupor and looked at Seth with full blown madness and rage in his eyes. His whole body flashed a black aura for a second.

"You…" He hissed. "You knew all along and you didn't tell me anything. You let this happen! This is all your fault, you bastard, how could you?!" 

Seth tried to breathe when a rather pissed off Dean lunged and tackled him to the ground, trying to strangle him. 

Then a knock came to the door and it opened, revealing Randy, Renee, and Sami. When they saw the predicament, Sami instantly grabbed Dean to move him apart from the king, an easy task because of Dean's lack of strength as the others helped Seth off the floor. 

Seth growled at Sami and punched him hard on the stomach.

"Aahh!! What was that for?!" He asked irritated, kneeling on the ground. "Is that what I get for trying to help?!"

Seth was infuriated. "You didn't need to do that, none of you did!! He has no energy as it is, he couldn't cause any damage even if he wanted to! I was letting him vent his anger and take it out on me! I thought that would make him feel better! Now leave us alone!!" 

"You touch him again and you're dead permanently!!" He then said in a terrible menacing tone, growling down at the young male. Sami was really scared now, he realized that Seth's threat was serious, the king would kill him without hesitation.

So he moved away and quickly left with the others, muttering. "I will never understand Alphas."

Seth turned his attention back to his mate. Dean was panting and breathing with difficulty because of his previous outburst, but he seemed to have recovered his senses. 

Once both males were alone again, Dean sat on the bed, feeling a little dizzy. He was trying to take in the news. Being raised in a world where the different roles of females and males were obviously predetermined, taken for granted that women carried children, he felt weird, as if he was some kind of freak.  

He knew that Seth had said that some ukes was able conceive for their semes, but he just didn't think it could ever happen to him.

When the Alpha king sat beside his wife, his heart ached seeing the younger male so scared and lost, like a helpless child. Dean stared Seth straight in the eyes, with an imploring gaze. Such beautiful, expressive, baby blues piercing Seth's soul.

"What am I gonna do, Seth?" The younger male whispered. "I'm not pregnant... I can't be... I'm a fighter, not a mother! How can I raise a child and we're in the middle of a war with The Matrix? This can't be happening to me. Tell me this isn't true, please."

"I'm not pregnant. Tell me that this is just a bad dream. If you say so I will believe it, Seth. Please, please, please." Dean exclaimed, clinging to the brunette and burying his face in the crook of his husband's neck.

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