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"These are their heads." Dr. Lynch pointed to four different areas of the screen. "And their hands...  And here..." She moved the probe to a slightly different position on Dean's stomach so the overall image would be clearer. "The feet."

At three months now, things were a lot more distinguishable during the ultrasound scan, and Dean smiled as Seth, enthralled, let out a soft. "Aaww..."

Though still small, the fetuses could indeed be easily made out on the screen this time - little limbs and all, and their heartbeats, now picked up by the Doppler, were in a steady, comforting rhythm. Warmth filled them both and Seth pressed a kiss to Dean's cheek, eyes shining as he gripped his hand a little tighter.

The doctor smiled at them. "Now, do you want to know the exact genders of your babies?"

When she told them that they had three boys and a girl, the look on Seth's face resembled the face of a diabetic in a candy store. And Dean actually face palmed when his husband ran out of the room, screaming at the top of his lungs. "I'M HAVING A GIRL!!!"

Once someone, meaning the biggest guard Braun Strowman, actually caught up with the ecstatic father and returned him to his highly embarrassed mate, the rest of Dean's doctor appointment went well. None of the babies were harmed and were growing nice and healthy, much to his and Seth's relief. But Dr. Lynch made sure to reprimand the blonde for being too careless. And Dean could only agree with her.

"I think it's time for you two to catch up on your reading." The young irishwoman smiled as she picked up a ton of books, dropping them in Seth's arms. The king fell over yelping from the sudden weight.

He got up and blinked, tilting his head curiously, as he read one of the front covers.

The Dos and Don'ts of Male Pregnancies?

"Trust me." She smiled. "It will come in handy."

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now