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Later on that day, Bayley did come back to Dean's house, just like he asked. Dean managed to call his other friends as well, inviting them over. Dean's self-proclaimed sister still had a bad feeling about all this, but she tried her best to ignore it. And the bandage that Dean now had on his neck only made the feeling worse.

It was around 11:30 when the rest of Dean's pals, Kevin, Nikki, Charlotte, Sasha, Dolph (and Pancake, of course) arrived. They all lounged around the house, wondering who Dean wanted them to meet.

Dean decided to challenge Kevin to a game of EA Sports Car Racing, while they waited. Dolph watched the boys play while the girls all talked about girl things and Bayley had her eyes glued to Dean's computer screen, acing an online IQ test, as Dean and Kevin played two games and a re-match. And of course, Dean won all three.


"Why you little--" Kevin growled. "YOU CHEATED!!!"

"Ha!! You wish!!" The blonde laughed. "Just admit it, Kevin, you can't beat me!!!"

"Hmph!!" Was Kevin's answer as he crossed his arms and pouted.

It was at that moment that everyone's attention was drawn to the low, rumbling noise that came from outside. Dean rushed to the door and opened it, with everyone pouring out onto the front porch. The sound was coming from down the road and was getting louder by the minute. 

It sounded like a car engine or something. Dean ran to the end of his driveway and looked down the road, squinting to see if he could make out the source of the sound. As his friends remained near the house, they saw Dean's facial expression change from curious to excited. His eyes seemed to light up with excitement. 

"They're here, guys!!!" He shouted back to his friends, telling them to come and look. The others came closer and stopped, blinking like crazy when he then stepped back onto the sidewalk to let three motorcycles come into view.

Seth pulled up first on a red and black Ducati Monster 1100, followed by Randy on a black Ducati 749, and with Renee wrapped around his waist, Sami quickly brought up the rear on an electric green Ducati 848. 

Everyone's mouth hit the floor.

"Seth!!!" Dean shouted with joy, as he wrapped his arms around his husband's neck as soon as the male stepped off his bike. 

"Hey, take it easy." He chuckled, wrapping him in his arms. Then, he whispered low enough for no one but his wife to hear. "I've missed you, sweetheart." Dean's smile only grew.

"Long time, no see, Blondie." Randy chuckled after Seth stepped aside. He grabbed hold of Dean's hand and pulled him into a pat on the back. 

"Whatever dickface!" He chuckled.

"What up, Dean?" Sami said after Renee let go and slipped off the bike.

"I hope it's your IQ level." The blonde male smirked, hooking his arm around his neck and ruffling up his already messy head, making the boy laugh.

"Hey Dean." Renee smiled as she approached, giving the male a hug and a quick friendly peck on the cheek. Nikki let out a low growl.

Someone decided at this time to clear their throat to catch the five their attention. And of course it was Nikki. 

"Care to introduce us, my Darling?" She asked, arms crossed and tapping her foot, glaring at Renee. Renee made sure that she glared back.

"Oh yeah, sorry guys. I almost forgot." Dean rubbed the back of his neck.

"These are my new friends." He introduced. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Randy, Renee, and Sami."

Some of his friends waved hesitantly at the newcomers. But, the vampires-turned-mortals only crossed their arms and stared at them.

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