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-300 years later



Mandy, a tan vampire with long gold hair and green eyes blinked in surprise as she entered the foyer, seeing the 618-year old quads, as well as the 318-year old twins Seth Jr and Jonathan, lounging around on various pieces of furniture, boredom evident on their faces as they watched their father being chased all around the lobby by one VERY pissed off Alpha Queen.

"ALL I WANTED WAS ONE BREAK, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?" Dean shouted as he chased Seth up the corridor with a baseball bat. 

"Um… Sora?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around her mate's neck from behind the couch where he sat. "What's going on?"

"Dad got Mom knocked up again." He mumbled around a straw as he sipped on a bottle of Bloody Mary/Red Bull.

"And now Mom's trying to castrate him…" Rebel replied.

"But Seth won't sit still to let him do it." Alice finished for him, leaning against a slumbering Diablo.

"I wouldn't blame him!!" Jasper, a blue-eyed short firey haired vampire replied as he too relaxed on the sleeping panther. He was Alice's boyfriend and the son of Edge and Beth's

"Ugh, how long have they been at it again?" Seth Jr groaned in complete boredom, taking off his blasting headphones to hear the time.

Jonathan stopped reading his manga before glancing at his watch.

"Five hours."

"I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT ANYMORE KIDS!!!" A black eyed Dean hollered as he it was his turn to chase Seth down the other end of the hallway with an ax firm in his grip.


"Um… Diane?" Luka asked as he sat in a leather chair nearby, watching everything go on with the female sitting comfortably in his lap. "What's going on with your mom?"

"Oh it's nothing." She shrugged, boredom etched onto her face as well, as she played with his hair. "Mom's just getting more and more pissed off at Dad and it's making him go through his different forms."


"Dean, calm down, it's not my fault!!!!" Seth yelled, dodging another blow.



Well there goes another vase.

"I'm sorry, alright?!?! Besides, it wasn't me!!!" Seth yelled, trying to get out of dodge as Dean took a swing at him with Sora's scythe. The boy wanted to go and get his weapon back, but he wasn't taking any chances.


"My instincts took over!!! I didn't know what I was doing!!!"

"WELL YOUR INSTINCTS ARE ABOUT TO GET YOUR ASS KICKED!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!" He yelled as he shot off after his panicking husband, this time with a flaming chainsaw of all things!

"It's only a matter of time before he catches him, ya know." Crystal muttered to her cousins as she sat in her boyfriend Xayn's lap, both listening to her iPod to pass the time and drown out the commotion.

"We know." They all said.

"OH FUCK!!!!" Seth screamed when he looked back, now seeing Moxley (of all people!!) up behind him with a titanium pink baseball bat firm in his grip.

All of the teens blinked in surprise at that.

"Huh…" Sora said in realization. "I've never seen that form before…"

"Me neither." Jonathan replied.

"And judging from his reaction, Seth hasn't either." Xayn stated.

"Isn't that the hammer that Uncle Sami got Aunt Brie for her birthday?" Rebel raised a brow.

"Yep." Andy replied.

"DON'T YOU KIDS JUST STAND THERE!!! DO SOMETHING!!!!" Seth shouted, not knowing how much longer he could keep this up. 

"Alright, you guys." Diane sighed as she stood up and stretched. "Dad said we should do something, so what's the plan?"

The large group of teenagers took one good look at the pissed off Alpha Queen and unanimously decided….

"We go to the movies." And they were long gone right as Seth ran by.




The force of the blow actually woke up Diablo.

-Few minutes later.

Dean opened the curtains a little to find the reader looking at this from their phone and seeing a knocked out Seth.

"And this here readers is why you should never mess with an alpha queen like me! Goodbye you sinners!"
Dean winked at the reader before closing the curtains back.

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