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"My forces doubled in size that night: I got my brother back and a new brother-in-law, as well. To make it even better, with that many people on my side, I was one step closer to bringing The Matrix down." Seth answered as he and his queen rounded a corner down the long dark corridor.

"The only thing that was missing was you." He added, kissing Dean on the cheek. All the blonde could do was close his eyes and smile.

Not too long after that, they found Randy, Renee, and Sami in one of the palace's many lobbies. 

Randy was leaned against one of the tall white limestone pillars that held the palace up, lighting a cigarette before taking a long drag off of it, boredom evident in his eyes as he lazily flipped through endless channels on the flat screen way on the other side of the room: an empty case of Red Bulls rested at the base of his black boots.

Sami and Renee lay back to back on a black leather couch. Both were listening to the same touchscreen MP3 player that lay in-between them, each with a headphone in their ear, while
Sami watched an japanese anime called Amnesia on his I-Pad and Renee turned to the next page of some book on her E-reader, junk food splayed out everywhere. You could tell that they obviously were bored as well.

Seth cleared his throat to catch their attention.

Everyone instantly stopped what they were doing and shot up, standing in a line and at attention like soldiers.

"D-Dean?" Renee gasped, clasping her hands over her mouth, the first one to notice when she saw his blue eyes glow in the dark, the black slits giving him away.

"Hey guys, you like my new look?" Dean laughed, turning around to give them a full view of him before placing his hands on his hips and giving them his famous smirk.

Randy deadpanned before glancing at Seth.

"You didn't." He said through his cigarette with disbelief.

"I did." Seth chuckled.

"So…" Sami said, scratching his head. "He's your wife now?"

"Yep!" The blonde grinned proudly as he held up his left hand, his gold ring shining in the moonlight.

"Oh my gosh, congratulations!!!" Renee squealed. She was about to run over and hug him when Sami tugged at her arm.

"What?" She asked.

"He's the Queen now." Sami replied. "You can't just run up to one of the Alphas whenever you want to!!"

"Oh." She replied, looking a little disappointed. She stepped back in line and dropped her head, saying. "Congratulations, your Highness."

"Huh?" Dean raised a brow. "Seth, what's going on?"

"You're an Alpha now. Since queens have more authority than kings, it's only right for someone other than their mate not to get too close. It's a sheer sign of disrespect." Seth answered.

"But…" Dean looked from his husband to Renee, seeing the hurt look in her eyes even though she tried to cover it up with a smile. 

"Seth… I don't mind. It doesn't matter if she wants to hug me or not, it's not disrespectful to me." Dean replied.

"Are you sure?" The king asked, raising a brow.

Dean nodded.

Seth crossed his arms before leaning against the doorway smirking and saying. "Very well then. You're the queen now, My Darling, so whatever you say becomes law. Just say the word."

"S-seriously?!" Dean blinked with disbelief.

"Heh, that's one of the perks of being married to me." He snickered. "Go ahead."

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now