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After the defeat of The Matrix, I'd asked Bayley to join me since Planet Earth was nothing more than a battle-scarred wasteland by now. The planet would return to it's former glory with time, but I wanted my sister to have a fresh start in life like the rest of us. At first she was hesitant and I couldn't honestly blame her: my people weren't the friendliest folks to be around at times.

But, with a little bit of encouragement we both came to an agreement. She would come with me if Dolph and his mother could come also. I happily agreed since I knew how much he had an effect on my sister. And I respected her for not wanting to be a vampire since some people simply don't want immortality. I don't understand why not, but if she wanted to live and grow old with Dolph, then I wouldn't complain. I'd hate to see her grow old while I remained 21 forever and I know that it's going to be hard to cope once she's gone, but it's her decision. I only wanted the best for my sister, after all.

And I also threw in a few perks of my own once we were settled in on the new world. Both she and Dolph were given everything they needed for the best education on Planet Earth Z with everything that they'd need for college already paid for. They didn't have to worry about anything because as Alpha Queen, I took care of that. All they had to do was show up for class and Dolph's mother was eternally grateful. It was my way of thanking her for giving up her money for college to save my former home. And of course Bayley fit in quite well with the kids, already saying that she wanted to be their tutor when they got older. I once again agreed but tried figuring out how Seth, Rome, Finn and I were going to handle five little geniuses running around.

Parenthood wasn't horrible but it certainly took a lot of patience and that had never been one of my strong points. I found that I couldn't completely lose my temper when it came to my kids and it helped that I had Bayley and the gang at my side more often than not. 

I also found Seth to be quite the dutiful father. I found his doting strange at first but never voiced my inner thoughts for fear he would discontinue his attentions and duties. I suppose I could I find fault in my thinking. I mean he did go through a lot to make sure our kids were conceived and took care to make sure I carried them to term and even helped deliver them.

I watched as the one who filled my thoughts entered the room.

"How are they this morning?" He asked as came towards the blanket on the floor where they laid spread out in various spots doing various things.

"They are fine, it's not like they can get up and walk away just yet you know. I'm just glad they are finally making sounds other than that infernal crying." I replied rolling my eyes.

He smiled down at me and his kids. "You say that now but just wait until they are up and wandering and driving you crazy."

"You mean driving us crazy, right." I asked as I cracked my knuckles.

If he thought I was letting him off parental duty once they were walking then he had another thing coming. He wanted kids and he got more than what he had wished for.

He gave a small crack of a smile as he looked down at his three sons and daughter. "I look forward to their independence so that we can work on more."

I whipped my head up to stare at him. "Have you lost your Vampiric mind?!"

"Why do you ask?"

"Tell me you are kidding… You are kidding, right?"

"Oh no my Queen, you are a great mother to our kids so why not give them siblings." He responded kneeling on the edge of the blanket starring down at his eldest son Sora who was trying to put his foot in his mouth, as if trying to impress his father.

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