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Seth stood up from the bed as soon as he heard the mechanism in the doorknob creak. Dean didn't try to look surprised or innocent. For a moment, they just stared at each other. Seth's eyes were stern and his mouth was set in a hard line. Dean gazed back at him casually. They both waited for the other to speak, Seth wanting an explanation and Dean refusing to give him one.

When the silence was finally broken, Seth was the one who ended it, stepping towards his mate.

"Where were you all night?"

Dean entered the room and closed the door behind himself. He took off his shoes and tossed them to the ground.

"Answer me, Dean."

"Out." He snapped. Seth's brows rose at his answer. Dean could see his shoulders tense.

"Out?" He asked. "Is that it? Out? Do you know what time it is?"

"Yes Seth." He answered as he held up his wrist and tapped at the wristwatch there. "I know exactly what time it is."

"What were you doing while you were out?"

"What are you doing back so soon?" Dean asked, crossing his arms. "You told me you had to work late. Very late. And that I wouldn't get to see you tonight."

"I had to leave because The Matrix forces had been spotted at our Northern border which is at least a day's journey from here, Dean, they were only out on a scouting mission but they managed to stumble upon our territory. So Roman and I went to investigate and made short work of them before they could relay our coordinates back to The Matrix's H.Q. We stayed a little while longer to make sure that there were no others in the area. I came back to tell you and possibly have dinner with you. But when we got here, the guards I assigned to watch over you told me you had stepped out apparently. I tried not to panic so I waited for you. I sat in here and waited for you to so that maybe, just maybe, we could spend some more time together."

"How was I supposed to know you would be back so early?" Dean protested.

"What does that matter? It's almost two in the afternoon, Dean! You've been gone for hours and no one has heard from you. I had no idea where you were!!"

"What does it matter where I was?!"

"I had no way of knowing if you were safe or not. I tried contacting you through our bond, but that only made me realize that you were too far away. So I called you, I left messages, I sent you texts. You never answered or returned my calls or anything! I almost sent the drones out for you! I was really worried about you." Seth looked him over and sighed, a hand rising to remove his hair tie to let his hair out of the low bun. "You've been out running again, haven't you?"

"Why should I have to tell you where I'm going?" Dean snapped, purposefully avoiding the question. "I'm perfectly capable of making my own choices and handling myself. If I decide to stay out until two in the afternoon, then I fucking will. You're not my mother, Seth and I'm Alpha Queen so you can't tell me what to do!"

Seth scoffed. "You don't get it, do you?" His eyes burned into his mate, fueled by a crimson fire. "You're pregnant, Dean! Three months pregnant with our babies! Your life is not the only one at stake here!"

"The babies are fine, Seth!" Dean shouted back. "Since we're both immortal, then aren't they?! Nothing is going to happen to them!! They're not dying!!!"

"Blood-born vampires don't have immortality until a month after they are born, Dean!! There is still so much that you don't know about our kind! You have no idea that until then, they can die as quickly as any other mortal, that's why Dr. Lynch told you no running!! I don't even need to ask to know that is what you've been doing behind my back!! One or more of our children could be dead right now because of your foolishness!!"

Dean's eyes widened.

"I'm trying to protect you, Dean, yet you use your title to supersede my commands and like to have things your way! I know that you hold higher authority than me as Alpha Queen but you could at least respect me enough as your husband and father of our children to do what I say for once! You can't be up at this hour of day, back in Cincinnati of all places, around humans who could have a stake through your heart before you even know it! I thought that The Matrix had managed to get ahold of you somehow!! What if something happened to you?!"

Dean shrank back guiltily from his mate. He refused to look at him, looking instead at his feet against the carpet. He was tired of being yelled at, and what was worse that everything that Seth had said was right. He was being careless and selfish, and if his decision ended up in being attacked while at his lowest and weakest, he would not be the only one to suffer for it.

"Look at me, dammit!"

His head snapped up and he saw Seth in front of him, eyes glistening with tears and fists clenched.

"Dean, you nearly took my children away from me once... And I have never stooped so low as to begging anyone in my entire life but I am begging you now, please don't take them away from me again. If something ever happened to any of you, I don't... I..." All Seth could do was sigh heavily and wipe at his tears with the palm of his hand.

Dean hesitantly stepped forward and, tenderly, pulled his husband close to him. He felt his arms encircle him and hold him tightly. He kissed the side of Seth's face and tilted his head so his lips were close to his ear as he let his own tears fall.

"I'm sorry, Seth." He cried. "I didn't know. And you're right... I am being irresponsible, and I'm sorry."

Seth pulled back to gaze into his wife's watery eyes and took his face in his hands and kissed him. Dean cried more and wrapped his arms around his neck. It had been a long time since Seth had touched him like this since he spent more time gone to war than with him. He planned on enjoying it while he could.

When Seth began to pull away, he whimpered, holding onto him tighter. He didn't want Seth to leave again.

"Shh, it's alright, love. I'm not going anywhere." Seth smiled, kissing the top of his head, nose nestled in his blonde curls. He could never stay mad at his mate for long. "I'm not going anywhere for a long time now."

Dean looked up at him and asked. "What do you mean?"

"I have asked Randy to take over my place in the army for the duration of your pregnancy. He is the only one that I can trust with such a weighty responsibility. So, instead of me leaving you to go to battle, it will be him leading our forces. I am still king and will oversee his actions from here. But, most importantly, I will be here with you to watch our babies grow and to hold your hand during the birth." He smiled as he thumbed away his tears, his hand caressing his growing belly.

Dean gasped. "R-really? But... What about The Matrix? Will Roman still have to leave?"

Seth snickered. "Those humans and their commander can burn in hell for all we care. He handed over his position to Paige. She and Randy get along whereas Renee and Sami would be more at war with each other than with the humans. You, Finn, and our children are all more important to Rome and me than The Matrix will ever be."

Dean choked back a happy sob and practically leapt into his lover's arms, this time with tears of joy. "Thank you, Seth! I love you so much, thank you!" He cried. All Seth could do was laugh and spin his wife around, just like on the night when he proposed to him.

"You should have been in bed a long time ago, love." Seth chuckled, sitting down on the bed with Dean in his lap, kissing his uke on the cheek.

"I love you." He murmured, rubbing small circles in Dean's back. "I've made an appointment with your doctor for tonight to make sure that the kids are okay, so get some sleep. You need your rest."

"Okay." Dean said quietly as he yawned and rubbed at his eyes. He felt drained, and more exhausted than he usually did. He supposed it had something to do with being pregnant. He was tired all the time now, no matter how much sleep he got.

Eager to get into bed, he crawled underneath his covers and waited for his husband to join him. Once Seth was in bed, Dean instantly curled up against him, purring contently. Seth purred back in return, and leaning down, he gave his belly four butterfly kisses, one for each of his kids.

"I love you, Seth." Dean smiled as he drifted off to sleep, wrapped in his husband's arms.

"I love you, too."

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