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"You will eventually have to tell the others. You know that, right?"

"I know."

Dean leaned back on the examination chair/table he was sitting on. Seth had taken him to see a doctor they were considering for prenatal care. His stomach was in knots: doctor's offices made him very uncomfortable. He could remember spending a lot of time in them when he was younger because of all his battle with Baron.

May he rest in peace.

He eventually outgrew the pain and could withstand a lot more hits the older he grew, but every time he stepped into a doctor's office all he could think about were the needles and medicine he'd seen as a child. Dean still didn't like needles, which were now his greatest fear since he'd conquered his battle with water.

"Relax." His husband told him. He comfortingly touched his arm. "She's not going to cut you open or anything like that. It'll be okay."

"You would be nervous too if you were in my position."

He smiled. "Yeah, I suppose I would."

Dr. Lynch was one of only five independent practices OBGYNs in the Land of the Architect, who was trained and certified to treat uke patients only. Each hospital was required to have at least one, but Dean wanted to avoid hospitals until it was absolutely necessary. He felt safer being treated in a small clinic closer to the palace. Dr. Lynch was also one of the best OBGYNS in the area. He felt he would be in safe hands.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the turning of the door handle. A orange haired vampire with green eyes stepped inside with a touchscreen clipboard. There was a small smile on her face as she looked at him. "Mr. Rollins, I presume?"


"I'm Dr. Lynch." She shook his hand and looked at his chart. Dean had filled out a form in the waiting room, and he suspected that was what she was going over now. "And, first off, I would like to say congratulations, your Majesties."

"Thank you." Both males said as Seth nodded to her politely and she gave him a little smile as well.

"It says here on your chart that you suspect you're about three weeks along." She wrote something with the clipboard's stylus. "At so early in the gestation period, there's little I can tell with an ultrasound or a pelvic exam. However, I like to take a blood sample on the first visit to check your hormone levels and make sure everything's normal."

The blonde paled a little bit. "A-All right."

There would be no getting around blood work though. It was important for not only his health, but the baby's as well.

"Before I bring the nurse in, I'd like to talk to you about the risks we've seen in previous uke pregnancies."

Seth's eyes widened. He reached for his wife's hand. "Risks?"

"Yes, but not to worry, it's nothing major. Some males just have had a hard time putting on weight during the pregnancy." Dr. Lynch tucked her clipboard under her arm. "It is extremely important that you maintain a healthy diet. You would be surprised how much good eating habits can help fetal development and the way you feel. I wouldn't encourage physical activity though."

"Physical activity?" Dean's eyebrows arched delicately. "As in… Running?"

"Yes. I would recommend you be stop any physical activity immediately." Her voice was stern. "Your body is not as well suited to carry a child as a woman's would be. This pregnancy will be very taxing on your organs and muscles, and the less physical stress you subject yourself to the better. Too much strain can trigger an early labor. More than one third of babies of uke pregnancies are born prematurely, and nearly eighteen per cent of mothers miscarry."

Damn it!!

Dean mentally cursed as he crossed his arms and pouted. Then, he thought of something that she just said.

"Wait mothers?" Dean repeated.

"Yes, mothers." She grinned at him. "You may be a strapping young lad, your Highness, but you are still your child's mother."

"Oh." Well, that made sense.

"You two look like good, responsible gentlemen." Dr. Lynch said. "So, since you're both first-time parents, I'm obligated to give you places you can look to for parenting classes and I'm sure they can make accommodations to have the sessions at the palace instead. Of course, if you have any questions at all, you can always call my office or make an appointment with me. I'd like to see the queen again in about a week to discuss the blood work we get today. I'd also like to see what I can find with a pelvic exam as well."

"We can both come next weekend."

"Excellent." She pulled her clipboard back out and wrote something, presumably his next appointment. "Next Saturday, 3:00?"

"That's fine."

"Wonderful." She smiled brightly and touched the door. "Nurse Lana will be in to take your blood in a bit." With that, she left them to fetch the nurse. Dean sighed slowly, trying to settle his nerves.

"Are you all right?"

"I don't like needles." He said softly. "I never have."

"It'll be okay. Just squeeze my hand." Seth intertwined his fingers with his mate's and brought his hand to his lips. He gently kissed his knuckles. "I love you."

"I love you too." Dean happily smiled in reply.

It wasn't long before a young nurse, a hazel eyed female vampire opened the door and shyly stepped inside. "Hi, I'm Nurse Lana." She said. In her hand was a tray that held various needles and tourniquets of different sizes. "I'll just get a couple tubes of blood and then you can go."

Dean nodded quickly and presented his arm. He tried to relax, which wasn't hard to do with Seth's cool hand engulfing his.

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