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"Tell me, Dean." Seth asked his mate some time later as they walked through one of their busy military hangars in their fancy royal attire. "Do you know the true reason as to why The Matrix hasn't stopped the war with us after all these centuries?"

"Because they're a bunch of sore losers?" His wife replied.

"No." Seth chuckled. "It's because of that."

Dean frowned when Seth pointed to the ring on his finger.

"Why would The Matrix want my wedding ring?" He asked, holding the item close to his heart.

"Because it's not just a wedding ring." His husband admitted.

Dean blinked. "What do you mean?"

"The rings that you and I wear are actually warp rings. They have been passed down through my family line for countless generations. They enable us to travel to the all the dimensions where vampires rein supreme and... I must admit that I haven't been entirely honest with you." Seth confessed as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I am not a mere king, Darling... Since you and I possess the warp rings I am the Ultimate Alpha, which entitles me as the Emperor of all vampires, instead."

"But... Isn't that the same thing?" His wife asked, raising a brow.

"Not exactly." He replied. "A king rules over a kingdom that consists of various countries, whereas an emperor rules over an empire that consists of various kingdoms, which means that all the other vampire kingdoms here on Earth and those in other Vampiric dimensions are under our rule... And under your command." Seth added before a smirk formed on his face. "Congratulations love. By marrying me, you became the most powerful being in over 300 dimensions."

(Oh, if only Seth knew what that just did to his wife's ego.)

"Our titles as Ultimates give us the power to rule over all other Alphas and their kingdoms, regardless of what dimension they are from. Yet this power comes with a price. It is our responsibility to make sure that all those under our reign, both in this dimension and beyond, are well-protected. The Matrix wants our rings so that they can jump from one dimension to the other, to kill off all of our kind until there are no vampires left in the universe. Just like Owens is the Guardian of the Master Vortex Shard as the Ultimate pair, we play the role as Guardians of the Rings. When we guard the rings, we in turn, guard our dimensions. You and I are the first and last line of defense when it comes to protecting all of our worlds. That is why neither side has backed down since the war began, and it is why I must finally bring this to an end. If The Matrix were to get through us... Then all hope is lost."

"Then, how do you plan on stopping them once and for all?" Dean asked, eager to get into battle more than ever.

"With I.B.L.I.S.S." He smirked evilly.

Right when Dean was about to ask yet another question, Nia approached.

"Good evening, your Majesties." The scientist bowed. Both males bowed their heads in return.

"Any progressions on our equipment?" The king asked.

"As a matter of fact, sire, there is." She replied, giving him a look that only he would understand. "He's here."

Seth looked at her in surprise. "He is? How long has he been here?"

"He arrived less than an hour ago and requests your immediate audience." She answered as she turned to lead the way.

"Seth, who is she talking about?" Dean asked.

"Jericho." Seth said with a sharp fanged smile.

The walk to the next hangar over didn't take long, but it wouldn't have taken half as long if Dean didn't have four kids holding him down. His back pains were getting worse and worse and it was getting harder for him to walk. And he still had two months to go!

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now