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-Three Hours Later.

Dean's eyes opened slowly and looked around, after his blurred vision cleared. He saw Seth sleeping peacefully beside him as he leaned toward his vampire and shook him lightly. Seth opened his eyes and was staring into the deep glowing pools of Dean's eyes. The king smiled and pulled his mate to him as he crawled closer. Dean snuggled into his chest, happily purring.

"How… How do I look?" He shyly asked, gazing up at the king.

"You're perfect." He answered, kissing Dean's lips. Dean looked at his body and saw that he looked more beautiful and his eyes were a bit darker. He even looked at his body and saw that he had a slight beard, his curly locks got longer now a little over his eyes. He lifted his hand and felt the bite mark as he looked around his naked frame.

The brunette embraced his fiancee and whispered:

"Welcome to immortality, my queen."

Dean smiled, flashing his new fangs before he gasped and frowned, looking highly annoyed and glaring at Seth.

"What is it?" Seth asked, even looking around to see if anyone else was in the room. "What's wrong?"

Dean crossed his arms and growled. "I died a virgin, didn't I?"

Seth blinked and actually fell off the bed laughing.

(A/N: Okay I'm just gonna say this! Dean's and Seth's mortal form and the rest such as Renee is like 2015 ish and their looks from 2017 is their immortal forms. I was going to do pictures but my dumbass brain didn't think of that before lmao xD. Okay now that I got that out of the way, Read on ya sinmers hehe -TheShieldAU)

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