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The night rose grey and rainy with the moon hidden within dark clouds. At the vampire palace, on the second floor from the top, lived Roman and Finn.

Finn was very pregnant and had grown to an enormous size and due at any moment. Roman was losing it. The Beta now never left the room, let alone the palace, unless it was to get something his mate wanted. Not when any day his child could come.

In bed, Roman sat up, silently watching over his dear mate. He watched as Finn slept and breathed in and out with his stomach moving a bit under the large red shirt he wore, showing the baby kicking and stretching it's legs.

Roman, who was curious, very much like a child, wondered how he could sleep like that.

Silence was broken by thunder and a whip of lightning tore across the sky, waking Finn in fright.

"Rome?" He cried out as he rose quickly, his back not liking the sudden movement and shot a pain up his back, causing him to groan and placed his hand on it.

"It's ok... It was only lighting." Roman calmed down his mate. Breathing out of relief, Finn looked down to his stomach and rubbed it tenderly.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" He asked, stroking his mate's fragile stomach.

Finn sighed and replied. "Yeah, just got up a little too fast and she didn't like it." Patting his stomach, he smiled.

"Do you mind getting me a few coffee doughnuts and a glass of chocolate milk? I'm hungry..." He looked at his husband and gave a smile, his hand remaining on his stomach so as to say that the baby was hungry, too.

Roman nodded and cautiously stood to his feet, not wanting to cause too much movement on the mattress to cause discomfort to his mate. That's the last thing he wanted to do to him. As he walked into the kitchen, he looked back into the bedroom.

Being that both the Alphas' and Beta's bedrooms were actually suites and the bedroom was very close to where the kitchen was, Roman had an excellent view of his wife. Just seeing Finn sit there with his huge stomach made him think of something bad, which he never intended to do. As he finished getting his pregnant mate's snack, Finn made an attempt to get to his feet.

Taking a breath, he tried to sit up straight which was impossible to do since his large belly was in the way. With much effort, he managed to get on the edge of the bed. It was hard for him to get his balance and to gain footing to stand, but he got it.

Starting to waddle, Finn held his belly and made his way to the kitchen where Roman was. Making his way back and walking through the doorway, Roman saw Finn waddling.

"Finn! Go sit back down!" Putting the box of doughnuts and glass of chocolate milk down on the kitchen table, he went to his mate and helped support him. "You need to go back to bed and rest. I don't mind getting you your snack."

His wife only smiled and gave a small laugh. "Romie, I'm fine. I just want to stretch my legs, they're starting to get stiff." But he remained his firm hold on his uke.

"No. You haven't listened to me at all recently. Please save me some headaches and just take it easy? Our daughter is due very soon and the one thing I don't need is you doing something excessive."

Once more, Finn gave a small smile and kissed Roman on the cheek. He then took his husband's hand and placed it on his huge stomach. "See, she's fine. She wants me to walk around, Rome." Walking to the kitchen table, Finn found the usual chair he sat at and started to lower himself down.

Sitting became a problem ever since he entered his fourth month. Roman, sat down across from his mate who started to eat. Another whip of lighting cracked the sky, louder than before, causing the lights to dim off and back on.

"Quite a storm today." Roman commented as he crossed his arms.

Finn stated before picking up another doughnut. "Yeah and I sure hope it ends soon... But judging by the weatherman, he says it'll last all week."

As the two sat in silence, a sudden knock at the door was loudly heard. Roman went to go answer.

"Now, who on earth can this be so early?" He wondered.

Opening the door, he saw Seth, Dean, Renee, and Sami standing in the hall.

"Morning, Roman, can we come in? We came by to check on Finn." Seth asked. The Beta let them all in. The last one to enter was a very sleepy Sami, still in his pajamas, and was highly pissed that his sister woke him up so early.

The pregnant uke heard his friends' voices and before he knew it, Dean, Seth, Renee and Sami walked in. "Hey guys, Seth, Dean!"

Seth made his way towards Finn. "Hey Finn." He said as he sat down next to his brother-in-law. "So when is my niece going to get here?"

The pregnant male rubbed his stomach. "In a week or so…  Well, hopefully anyway."

Dean then said happily. "I'm pretty sure you and Roman are as ready to be parents as Seth and I am!"

"Yeah, but you still have two more months to go." He laughed. "We're both looking forward to meeting the baby… And your babies, too, Dean."

From within, the baby started to grow restless and hungry once more. She gave her mother a hard kick to the ribs.


In an instant, Renee stopped bickering at her peeved brother and turned her complete attention to her best friend. "Finn, is it time?" She asked, putting her hands on his shoulders.

Finn looked up and gave a smile. "It's okay. It's just the baby, she's kicking me pretty hard!" His stomach growled. "Also I'm starving!"

"I can cook something for you, if you'd like." Renee suggested.

"You would?" Finn asked, to which she happily nodded. "Thanks Renee!"

"Don't mention it, I'll fix us all something." She giggled before asking. "If it's alright with you, Roman?"

He merely shrugged his shoulders and said. "Take whatever you need."

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